Culturati: Network Launches

Culturati Team
Culturati: Magazine
2 min readJul 9, 2020

Last month we announced Culturati’s newest initiative, the Culturati: Network, and now it has finally arrived. The Culturati Network is designed to be a curated networking experience exclusively for Culturati members, where we can connect with job seekers and employers who share our business values. We’re launching rather informally — many thanks to the efforts and stewardship of Culturati Fellow, Mitch McKay.

As leaders in technology, finance, banking, the arts, education, government, and other institutions we face unique challenges. Now more than ever, our priority of culture and employee engagement is valued, is critical to high performance. We hope the Culturati Network will foster connections, collaboration, and help grow exceptional teams. It’ll get better as members contribute.

The Culturati: Network lives on LinkedIn as a private group open to past Culturati registrants, speakers, and sponsors. Here you will be able to post jobs and view resumes from fellow members looking for culture-centric organizations to join. The job opportunities posted will highlight talent within the Culturati Community.

“When I attended my first Summit, the thing that impressed me most about Culturati was how many exceptional people were under one roof.”

“When I attended my first Summit, the thing that impressed me most about Culturati was how many exceptional people were under one roof. On my second day, I sat with an Austin CEO and discussed Aubrey Blanche’s break out session, where she spoke about data-driven diversity and inclusion. As we connected it became clear that we shared the same core business principles — that building balanced teams with a common goal and fostering dynamic leadership are what it takes to build a sustainable business.” — Mitch McKay, Culturati Fellow and Creator of the Culturati: Network.

While the Network is primarily dedicated to employment, it can be used to continue the Culturati mission of sharing playbooks. Has your company developed a new hiring practice leading to the diversity of candidates and/or employees? Do you have a fresh idea for maintaining employee relationships while working remotely? Want to know how other leaders are managing the crisis? Create a post and pick the brains of your fellow Culturati Members.

With the combined efforts of our Culturati family, together we can create a powerful resource to help grow culture-centric organizations.

Click here to request to join the Culturati: Network.



Culturati Team
Culturati: Magazine

Culturati is a community of CEOs, entrepreneurs, investors and other c-suite leaders who practice & study culture building and share our play books.