The Four Pillars of Contently Culture

What goes into being excellent to each other and telling great stories? We brainstormed to figure it out.

Life at Contently
1 min readFeb 6, 2017


At a recently Culture Committee meeting, co-founder Shane Snow presented the four main company pillars and their corresponding values. We started thinking about what kinds of behaviors we associate with those values.

As a homework assignment, we each picked a value, and brainstormed anecdotes and behaviors that typify the conduct. Here’s what we came up with:

Be excellent to each other

  • Be friendly
  • Put yourself in their shoes
  • Trust each others’ intentions
  • Give credit
  • Help others
  • Put yourself last
  • Respect people’s time
  • Respect people’s differences

Own it

  • Work smart
  • Figure it out
  • Get it done
  • Be accountable
  • Say what you think
  • Do the right thing
  • “Take it to the streets”

Be open

  • Leverage differences
  • Seek contrarian viewpoints
  • Change your mind
  • Be curious
  • Seek personal growth and learning

Tell great stories

  • Use stories to connect
  • Great stories build relationships and make people care
  • Stories are how we learn, remember, and change the world



Life at Contently

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