Happy Little Clouds Aren’t Afraid to Get Messy With ‘I Don’t Suppose’

Rob Duguay
Culture Beat
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2024


Left to Right: Jac Mestel, Jess Townsend & JD Bergstrom (Photo by Jac Mestel)

It’s a fact of life that when you’re young, you’re going to make some mistakes. You might make an impulsive purchase and mess up your finances, you might go for a career that ultimately doesn’t suit what you’d like to do with your life, and you might get into a relationship that ultimately doesn’t work out. These are just a few examples, but it’s good to recognize that being young is part of the work in progress that is being a human being and sometimes the road will get bumpy and treacherous. With this in mind, Boston indie rockers Happy Little Clouds put out the amplified single “I Don’t Suppose” back on May 1. The trio of Jac Mestel on guitar and vocals, Jess Townsend on drums and JD Bergstrom on bass exhibit an amplified approach while Mastel’s singing has a distinct soulful quality.

Like a lot of songs, this track initially started out as a demo, but when Mastel introduced it to Townsend and Bergstrom, they immediately gravitated to it. It also reflects on Mestel’s life during their late teens and early 20s when, like a lot of other folks in that age group, they were just trying to figure things out.

“I wrote this song back in college when I was naive and first figuring out how to navigate early adulthood,” Mestel says about “I Don’t Suppose” via a press release. “I really felt behind my peers in so many ways, most notably in dating as a young queer person.”

“I heard this one and I was like, ‘There’s so much we can do here. This one’s funnnnnnn!’”, Townsend adds. “We kept it a really live sound. No frills, just the song and I think it speaks for itself.”

Following the single’s release, Happy Little Clouds have a couple performances coming up which include Somerville Porchfest on May 11 and Malden Porchfest on May 18. Make sure to check out both of those rad events, but in the meantime, click on the link below and give “I Don’t Suppose” a listen.

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Rob Duguay
Culture Beat

Editor-In-Chief & Founder of Culture Beat on Medium. Freelance Arts & Entertainment Journalist based in Providence, RI. Email: rob.c.duguay@gmail.com