Rob’s Album of The Week: Freezepop’s Fog

Rob Duguay
Culture Beat
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2024

Ever since the late ’90s, Freezepop have been one of the premier electronic based bands in the Boston music scene. Due to the quartet of Liz Enthusiasm on vocals, Sean T. Drinkwater on programming and synths, Robert Foster on keytar and drums and Christmas Disco-Marie Sagan on synths and vocoder having their music included in various video games, they’ve garnered a cult following. If you’ve ever listened to their hypnotic brand of music, then it’s easy to understand why Freezepop have been able to maintain a steady creative output for roughly 25 years. If you haven’t checked out this band yet, then you’ve come to the right place. That’s because the debut 2024 edition of this review column focuses on Freezepop’s sixth studio album Fog that came out on New Year’s Day (January 1).

This new release is a bit of a departure from the band’s previous material in the sense that it leans more into techno and EDM rather than new wave and synthpop. One of the band’s trademarks is their ability to create rhythmic tunes through organic instrumentation, where in this instance the songs are conveyed through an array of beats. This isn’t a bad thing though; it shows another side of this talented act that’s innovative and refreshing. Also, if you’ve been evolving from a certain approach for over two decades, and you’ve been doing it well, then you’ve garnered creative license to switch things up a bit. With this being said, this shift isn’t too drastic, and it still has Enthusiasm, Drinkwater, Foster and Sagan operating within their wheelhouse.

I know it’s only been a week, but how has the new year been for you so far? Are you planning out any goals or endeavors? Are you just taking it easy and playing it by ear? For myself, after the tumultuous year I had in 2023, I genuinely have no expectations for 2024. I do have some things that I’d like to accomplish, and I’m motivated to make the next 12 months better than the last 12. With this being said, I’m not going to beat myself up or let it get me down if it doesn’t go according to plan. One thing that will go according to plan are my top tracks off of the Album of The Week, so here they are:

I love how the arrangements build up to the vocals in “The Stroke of Midnight” and then restart the process after the chorus. There’s a sonic clash of elements that brings a lot to the senses as well. “Optimistic” is very danceable while Enthusiasm’s vocal delivery is a little different from the other songs. There’s a low tone within “A Language” that’s reminiscent of a bass beat, but with a harder edge. I really like the lyrics with how they’re both romantic and evocative.

As of press time, Freezepop doesn’t have any shows announced. They usually do one local show a year that happens in the fall, so make sure to keep tabs via either their Facebook, X or Instagram pages to stay informed. When that next show is announced and you plan on attending, be prepared to dance. If you’re not looking to wait that long to bust a move, grab a copy of Fog. It’s an excellent display of electronic music that’s bound to put whoever listeners into a state of mesmerism.



Rob Duguay
Culture Beat

Editor-In-Chief & Founder of Culture Beat on Medium. Freelance Arts & Entertainment Journalist based in Providence, RI. Email: