The Power of Vulnerability

Sam Basu Farreca
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2018


“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.” Brene Brown

A few weeks ago, I was with a group leading a practice called “circling,” an authentic communication practice(why is this an exercise and not just a way of life, btw?).

In my honesty, I began to share some of my feelings of insecurity and ‘not belonging’ in the group. I recalled a women’s circle I had participated in a few weeks before where I had shared something similar, which led to several of the other women speaking up to say they felt the same way.

In this case, however, one of the group members replied that he viewed me as “weak” for talking in this way. He claimed that I seemed powerless when I shared my vulnerabilities, when I questioned myself and my role openly in the group.

It triggered something deep in me. A feeling of being judged and labeled for sharing what was authentic and real for me at that moment.

Mostly because the experience I had when sharing it was very different than his perception. The fact that I could share so honestly of myself actually made me feel quite powerful.

I trusted that my experience was not mine alone, but actually a shared experience of mankind, and that sharing this absolute truth would only add to the trust in the circle. It made me feel…



Sam Basu Farreca

Agile HR Coach, Interim HR Lead, DEI Consultant, Medium Top Diversity Writer, and Artist. Co-Founder,