The Tech Apparel is not the Emperor’s New Clothes…But…

Lumensoft Technologies
Culture Luminous
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2015

Something or the other always reminds me of one of the many favorite fairy tales. And there is always this irresistible urge to share it. Remember the story of emperor’s new clothes?

Just to recapitulate: there was an emperor who was fond of clothes so much so that people referred to his workaday as “the emperor is sitting in his wardrobe.” The emperor thus was every apparel retailer’s delight! And then two imposters decided to exploit emperor’s love of fashionable wear and duped him into strolling in the streets of his empire in the dress he was born in.

This was just a side-note aka my penchant for digression. Now about human’s new clothes, I mean the tech apparel.

Tech Apparel, however, is not being designed by any imposter. And the only thing invisible in them is the microchip that will make the dress super functional. It will be a dress and a credit card rolled into one…how’s that for the comforts of technology?

MasterCard has teamed up with Adam Selman-a world famous designer- and others to design clothes and accessories that can double as mobile payment devices. The idea behind this initiative is that any device, and in this case, apparel too, can be a commerce device.

You only need to put in a microchip somewhere.

If you come to think of it, this could usher in an entirely new era of apparel marketing and design. Instead of ‘digital prints,’ Mchip prints could the rage. I mean, who knows.

The tech apparel will also change the way apparel is marketed, new tag lines will emerge to cater to the new trend. A few tag lines that come to my mind are:

Wear a chip, and not your heart, on your sleeve

The dress that launched a microchip

The hem of your shirt is your wallet

I am sure, instead of these random thoughts, copy writers will come up with more creative tag lines. Something more inviting.

Isn’t the future super exciting?


That being said, when it comes to tech apparel, I would want to know how about its long terms effects on humans. After all, concerns are still being raised about wearable tech.

Or perhaps, we should be like the emperor’s courtiers and not question for the fear of appearing backward simpletons who belong to the Stone Age?



Lumensoft Technologies
Culture Luminous

Retail Software Solutions provider, LumenSoft, offers both On-Premise and cloud based, scalable POS and retail management solutions for single and multi-outlet