How We Built an Application using Starter Codes.

2 min readFeb 9, 2016


I am Srikanth from Code Squad. Our team includes Vanaja, Manoj, Vijay Kumar, Vineeth and Kiran, apart from me, of course. During Game of Codes, we kept our idea pretty simple from the day one. We wanted to create a Leave Management System. We noticed a lot of organizations facing discrepancies while raising leaves or requesting permissions for other emergencies, so we figured Leave Management System was a tool we really needed.

The biggest issue we faced while building our app is the lack of Front-end engineers. But that did not stop us from working on it, we have used the starter codes that were developed by our people from Wavelabs. Initially, we struggled quite a bit with the Database design, in fact, most of our initial meetings were vastly spent on fixing it. But thanks to our mentor, Roopesh Sakala, we were able to fix things every time we were stuck. His ideas and suggestions on technology came handy when we began working on the app.

The fact that different people worked together on one thing was an entirely new thing to us, and we ended up learning a lot including the technologies that we haven’t worked on before. We decided to code only after a perfect design was created for the app, and we were finally ready with an MVP. There were days when we worked on the app after our working hours too because we were so passionate about making this work.

We are glad this activity served as a perfect opportunity for us to work with people across different teams and to learn something at the end of the event.

P.S. We did a tiny role-play during the finale of Game of Codes leaving everyone in splits.

To know who we are or what we do, look us up at or buzz us at

