First Friday in photos: November gallery openings fill the Avenue with art

Friday night on the Avenue for the Arts, galleries, shops, and the UICA opened their doors with new art to view.

Eric Tank
2 min readNov 6, 2017


All photos credit Eric Tank.

Rick Beerhorst, one of two artists that are part of the current “Coming Home” exhibition at the Urban Institute for the Arts (UICA), stands in front of his new work. Image credit Eric Tank.
Top: Nick Castillon with his paintings for “No Name” at Light Gallery + Studio. Bottom left: Spectator looks at Nick Castillon’s abstract paintings. Co-owner Matthew Provoast (left) talks with Fernando Ramirez. All photos credit Eric Tank.
Top left: Steven Rainey at 337 Project Space for the opening of his solo exhibition, “Betrothal.” Top right: Tom Duimstra, owner of 337 Project Space. Bottom left: work by Steven Rainey. Bottom Right: Visitors to 337 Project Space for the opening. All photos credit Eric Tank.
Left: Bend Gallery’s exhibition “Roots” featured artists Elise Houcek, Jordyn Romersberger, and Dayna Walton. Center: Work at Bend Gallery. Right: “[BLEEP]” was an exhibition about censorship, a KCAD photography student directed project at Steven Vincent’s Spiral Gallery.
Top left: Artist Nathan Heuer poses for a portrait in front of one of his drawings in “Coming Home” at UICA. Top right: Woman commenting on work by Nathan Heuer at UICA. Bottom left: UICA features Rick Beerhorst’s newest work as part of their new “Coming Home” exhibition. Bottom center: Rick Beerhorst talking to local photographer Budd Kibby. Bottom right: Rick Beerhorst in silhouette in front of his new work at UICA. All photos credit Eric Tank.
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