New gallery opening its doors this First Friday

Bend Gallery kicks off their exhibitions with the show “Many Hands,” showcasing 15 local artists who helped make the new space on the Avenue for the Arts possible.

Erin Morehead
3 min readJul 5, 2017


Photo credit Madison May.

Bend Gallery, a live-work space at 40 South Division, on South Division’s Avenue for the Arts, is a new gallery centered around the artist. Working to be an affordable, challenging, community space, Bend Gallery is having its first art exhibit and grand opening this Friday, July 7 from 6 to 9 p.m.

The exhibition, titled “Many Hands,” presents the work of fifteen artists who supported the new gallery with their time, money, and energy. The exhibition was inspired by the generosity that made it possible for Bend Gallery to get up and running.

“I’m thinking about how lucky I am to have a community around me,” says Madison May, co-owner with Gina Masterson. May says she is grateful for all the generosity her community has shared. “Managing a gallery is a ton of work. Endless.”

Artist Matthew Farrell is one of the people who assisted the construction of Bend Gallery. His current work uses drywall, lumber, wire, and metal to explore the self-constructed anxieties that affect how we move through life.

“I am really excited to see one of my best friend’s dreams come true with the opening,” Farrell says. “She has put a ton of time and hard work into the space, and I can’t wait to see what else she brings to the gallery.”

Photo credit Madison May.

May doesn’t see her gallery in competition with other galleries but as a counterpart to them, providing artists more space to share their work. Grand Rapids, she says, was a simple choice for her to start a gallery. After growing up in the area, she knew that her community of support would be vital in growing her passion. Avenue for the Arts offers many benefits to galleries in the area, including foot traffic from the monthly event, First Fridays Gallery Hop.

“I liked the name Bend Gallery for one because our building is literally situated on a corner,” says May. “It [also] signifies a change from an expected or straight path, and I am hoping to introduce works of art that do the same.”

May, a recent Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University grad, has managed other galleries before opening Bend Gallery. May also continues to practice artmaking. Her experience has helped her prepare for starting her dream space with Bend Gallery. May focuses on three main ideas for the gallery: affordable billing, community space, and art that challenges social and political ideas.

The gallery hosts Books at Bend, a community-organized monthly book club. The next book club meeting is July 26 where they will be discussing “Art and Fear: Observations on the Perils (And Rewards) of Artmaking.” May hopes to add screenings of art documentaries to the gallery’s community activities.

Farrell says one thing that makes Bend Gallery great is May’s passion for her work.

“She has an incredible talent for curating and an immense passion for it,” he says.

Photo credit Madison May.

Bend Gallery’s first exhibit and grand opening kicks off this Friday during First Fridays from 6–9 p.m.

The 15 local artists include:

Amber Bledsoe
Michele Bosak
James Broe
E.J. Cobb
Matthew Farrell
BJ Johnson
Regina Masterson
Madison Nicole May
James Nantelle
Alison Palmateer
Branden Redmond
Erin Schaenzer
James Sullivan
Steven Vinson
Dayna Walton

Bend Gallery is currently welcoming artist submissions for future exhibitions.

