24 books and videos to inspire a more human leadership

Eva-Maria Zoll
Culture Design
Published in
8 min readJun 20, 2018


grow as a leader, and stay human.

Here is my personal list of 25 recommendations for books, articles, videos, and exactly one podcast which have shaped and inspired my thinking and behavior towards leadership, the way I work, and in general, how to be a good human being:)

I personally believe, in order to form a decent understanding of leadership and be able to unlearn and develop a new mindset about what “leading” means in the 21st century, there are a bunch of different perspectives to be taken into account. I’ll focus my reading recommendations on five areas.

1. Our emotional landscape

2. Unleashed creativity-The oil of the 21st century

3. Our mindset

4. Femininity and the new masculinity

5. The general state of society

The number one area is to understand your emotional landscape. Even though we are so connected and constantly in touch with each other, developing strong human connections and relationships with each other, seems like the most complex thing in the world. Our organizational structures are changing and shifting dramatically at the moment. Being able to build strong relationships at your workplace won’t be a luxury but a necessity to…

