Beer Review: Founders KBS (2014)

Casey Klug
Culture Glaze
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2014

Founders — KBS

Release: This is a review of a 2014 Founders KBS. The widely-hyped, scarcely available KBS was just widely released Tuesday April 1st, and sold out at most locations within a few hours (if not instantly). Stores that were able to get the beer typically received only a couple cases, and released the bottles with limits on them (often two bottles per person). The beer was released at the brewery in Michigan as well, beginning on March 18th thru March 22nd.

Style: Imperial Stout

Overview: Founders describes this beer as “an imperial stout brewed with a massive amount of coffee and chocolates, then cave-aged in oak bourbon barrels for an entire year to make sure wonderful bourbon undertones come through in the finish.” Coming in at 11.2% ABV, this beer is definitely a sipper, but a very nuanced beer to explore.

Founders KBS Barrels


Appearance: Pours black with a pleasant looking khaki colored head.
Smell: Roast coffee and bittersweet chocolate dominate the nose on this beer. There is also bourbon and a hint of caramel present. There’s a hint of berry sweetness that reminds me of fresh raspberries.
Taste: Bold coffee flavors dominate, with bourbon, and bittersweet chocolate coming in the finish. Finishes with a slight bitterness that is not off-putting, just more characteristic in coffee acidity.
Mouthfeel: Rich and creamy. This beer has one of the thicker more appealing mouthfeels of any beer I have had lately.
Overall: A real treat to have. Be careful not to drink this one too cold, as more layers of flavor open up as you let it warm. The coffee roast is very bold, and the chocolate integrates perfectly with the coffee notes.

Personal feelings: I really wish this beer was more widely available. I was able to get six of them this release, but wish I had been able to find a case.

Best time to drink: There is mixed opinion on this. This beer fresh is very coffee forward, and over time that flavor takes a back seat as it mellows and the beer becomes smoother and the flavors become more integrated. I personally enjoy the coffee forward nature of this beer, and have preferred new vintages to those that have been aged for a year or two.

My rating: 9.3/10

Beer Advocate Score: 100 (World-Class)

