Movie Review: “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night” (2014)

William George-Louis
Culture Glaze
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2014

I look up. There you are. We’ve never met before. You see me. I see you. You move forward. I move forward. You stop. I stop. You look at me. I look at you. You turn opposite and continue. I turn opposite and continue. You stop. I stop. You look at me. I look at you. This dance continues. There is only two ways this can end. How do you think it will?

There’s smoke to the atmosphere in Bad City, the fictional Iranian town where the film is set. That’s because it’s a cleverly disguised California where it was shot. The town’s inhabitants include a prostitute, a drug addict and a sex pest. Arash is a young man looking to escape the sin of the city. The title character, played by Shelia Vand, wanders around during the evening as a vigilante of justice. Boy meets girl at a costume party ironically dressed as Dracula. Boy falls for girl. Together they overcome obstacles. Can love conquer all?

It’s a twisted take on vampires, a genre that has worn out its welcome with this writer. However, dismissing “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night” as a vampire flick is an insult. There are a variety of styles and influences scattered throughout the film. Mirroring is a major theme. Yet, we are clearly in the world of writer/director Ana Lily Amirpour, and this is a stroll I would want to take again.

The Iranian Caped Crusader

Within an intense back story into the life of an immortal lead, Amirpour used the research to further continue the story through a series of graphic novels. The composition of the film seems heavily inspired by the medium, so it’s a natural fit and fans should be pleased. Also, the music plays a major role. It’s obvious Amirpour has a deep passion for music, and her style is as eclectic as her filmmaking. Each track is intricately selected elevating every scene. The soundtrack is set to be released on vinyl.

The film is in Persian with English subtitles. However, it isn’t too heavy in dialogue. It’s very easy to lose yourself into the film and forget that you are reading subtitles. Also, the black and white cinematography lends well to another of the film’s theme: good vs. evil. “Girl…” has all the makings to become a cult phenomena and earn Amirpour mad respect from her peers. It will be interesting to see how she progresses with future projects.

A Kino Lorber film to be released in November 2014.

Overall: Ana Lily Amirpour is a baadasssss! “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night” is a fusion of everything that gets her off.

My Rating: 9.5/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 100%

Directed by: Ana Lily Amirpour

Starring: Sheila Vand, Arash Marandi and Marshall Manesh



