Movie Review: “Appropriate Behavior” (2014)

William George-Louis
Culture Glaze
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2014

When I moved to Brooklyn, one of the first things I did was go to IKEA in Red Hook. That was also my first time riding the G train, something I still do on a regular basis. After passing Carroll St, the F/G train goes above ground for a couple stops. Before 4 Av-9 St, passengers facing East would see the huge Kentile Floors sign in Gowanus among the breathtaking view of Brooklyn. This past June the sign was removed. However, the title shot of “Appropriate Behavior” contains the mark that I will always remember.

Remember the name. Desiree Akhavan is a great new talent with an original voice of her own. This film is a non-linear account of a young bisexual woman going through a break-up in Brooklyn. It’s also a journey of a young woman’s self-discovery while at her personal rock-bottom. Raised within a conservative family, Shirin, a ballsy breakout performance by Akhavan, struggles to satisfy those she loves at the sake of her own sanity. Hell hath no fury, and Shirin’s social graces are anything but appropriate.

I’m going to make you wish you never met me.

Passion and diversity are the driving forces behind the success of the film. Akhavan connects with her audience because the writing is so personal. What adds another layer of depth is integrating herself within the project as an actress, and she doesn’t hold back. Her character’s job is teaching six-year-old kids about film. One of my favorite scenes is the screening of each class’ short films to their parents. The advanced class’ film “At Park” is artistically abstract yet horribly pretentious, while Shirin’s class’ film is about farts. “Appropriate Behavior” isn’t trying to be any greater than it sets out to be. Its gutsy, no-holds-barred demeanor rings true and is accepted for what it is, farts and all.

While still in film school, Akhavan and her then-girlfriend Ingrid Jungermann developed a web series “The Slope” about superficial, homophobic lesbians, starring themselves. It became wildly popular that they were able to make a second season. Certainly, “The Slope” paved a way for this film to be made. It’s a great introduction to Desiree’s style and will prepare viewers for “Appropriate Behavior.” Check out the first episode below. The entire series is available free on Vimeo.

Episode 1: “Miserable Animals” from The Slope on Vimeo.

I feel hugely connected to this film. I’ve been living in Brooklyn for almost two and a half years. There are locations not only in the film but also in the web series that contain many memories that I have been building during my time here. Sure, “Appropriate Behavior” encompasses all the absurdity we face living in this borough, but you don’t have to live here to relate to it. This one is for anyone who has felt like they never belonged within the conventions of society. Everyone’s invited.

PS: I’m really good at drinking and dancing, too. ;-)

A Gravitas Ventures feature scheduled to be released in early 2015

Overall: “Appropriate Behavior” is a uniquely fresh take on seeing the opposite side of NYC privilege. I have enjoyed it twice. It features in my top 10 of 2014 (so far), published last month. I can’t wait to see Desiree on the next season of HBO’s “Girls.” She will certainly fit in well with that crew.

My Rating: 9.0/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 100%

Directed by: Desiree Akhavan

Starring: Desiree Akhavan, Rebecca Henderson, Scott Adsit and Hailey Feiffer.


Movie Clip:

