Super Bowl XLVIII: Broncos vs. Seahawks preview

Brendan Kolasa
Culture Glaze
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2014

On this upcoming Sunday, tens of millions of people will be turning in to the Super Bowl. While some of those people will be watching to see the latest Budweiser commercial or new trailer for Captain America, most will be looking to watch what should shape up to be a great back and forth battle between the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos.

Careerbuilder’s “I work with monkeys” ad.

Offense vs. Defense

It seems fitting that these two shall meet in the Championship game. Both finished 13–3, the best record in each of their respective conferences. Seattle comes in with a mighty defense and a solid offense while the Broncos make their way to New Jersey with a mighty offense and a solid defense. Both come from states that have legalized marijuana in the last year. Both have men that will make perfect pitchmen when they retire: Peyton Manning with Papa Johns and Richard Sherman with Skittles. Come Sunday (Saturday if there is too much snow) we will see an evenly matched football game between two of the league’s best, but who will win?

Seattle Seahawk cornerback Richard Sherman is looking to add a little more hubris to the game.

I’m not a great football statistician, just a guy from Chicago who is still drinking away the sorrows of a Sunday night game against the Packers and wondering how Chris Conte made an NFL roster this year. Some people decide who they think will win based on stats, looking at how the number one offense in Denver is going to perform against the number one defense in Seattle. Some would say that Russell Wilson will have a “Manning” type performance and throw for multiple touchdowns and maybe even decide to run one in from outside the red zone.

Some may say that the Seattle Defense led by Bobby Wagner, Richard Sherman, and Cliff Avril will stop Manning and the three headed monster of a receiving core he sends deep after every Omaha uttered at the line of scrimmage. They’ll say that Denver will need a solid running game and that it will be up to Knowshon Moreno to pound away at the Seattle defensive line. Some might even predict that he will be the Super Bowl MVP and score a late touchdown in the 4thquarter.

Presumptive NFL MVP Peyton Manning is looking to grab his second Super Bowl trophy with the Denver Broncos.

Some may say (*me if you haven’t caught on by now) that the Bronco’s D will rise up in that same 4thquarter and Shaun Phillips or Von Miller will get to Wilson as he tries to stretch out for a first down but fumbles instead, leading to great field position that sets up Moreno’s late game heroics. Or some may just hate Pete Carrol and want him to fail miserably. But hey, who would you rather believe: some wannabe pig skin expert? Or an actual pig?

Final score: Broncos 41 Seattle 34

