Top Songs of 2016

Casey Klug
Culture Glaze
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2016

2016 was one of the more chaotic and unpredictable years in recent memory, but it was certainly a good year for music. I’ve put together this list of five of my favorite songs that I listened to in 2016.

“Drive It Like You Stole It” by Sing Street

The classic 80’s sound of “Drive It Like You Stole It” is infectious. This song comes from “Sing Street,” the latest film by John Carney (who directed “Once”).

“Breakers Roar” by Sturgill Simpson

Sturgill Simpson put out one of my favorite albums of 2016, and the song “Breakers Roar” is one of the best of the album. This track combines a classic steel string guitar sound with heartfelt and emotional lyrics.

“4 Degrees” by ANOHNI

ANOHNI has some of the most powerful songs I’ve heard, with amazing booming vocals that layers with a mixture of strings and synth. Between this song and the devastating song “Drone Bomb Me,” ANOHNI’s “Hopelessness” album was one of the most impressive releases of 2016.

“Augustine” by Blood Orange

Blood Orange is really channeling “Prince” on his newest album, with an 80’s synth sound combined with a retro style. This song comes off the 2016 album “Freetown Sound.”

“Alright” by Keaton Henson

The wavering voice of Keaton Henson sounds like it’s brimming with remorse and introspection. This stripped down song is one of the sadder tracks of the year, but it’s also beautiful and full of a raw emotion that is rare to find.

