Hot off the press… SaaS analytics features are broken.

Mieke Houbrechts
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2022

The team at did some investigative journalism into the state of customer-facing analytics in SaaS. We looked at 4,600 product reviews on G2 in the most active software categories.

Here’s what users are saying about the analytics of 140 top vendors on G2.

💡 1 in 5 reviews are about analytics, dashboards, or reports.

💡 9 in 10 SaaS products receive negative reviews

💡 1 in 3 reviews expressed concerns or complaints.

💡 For 1 in 10 vendors, negative reviews outweighed positive reviews.

What are users most frustrated with?

😠 71% of vendors had UX complaints. Customers find the analytics difficult to use and need too many clicks to get what they need.

😠 55% of platforms have complaints about not providing access to all the data customers want or need. What they get is not that useful.

😠 46% of complaints are related to a lack of ability to customize. i.e. static, view-only dashboards

😠 Other types of complaints include: a dated analytics design, unreliable or inaccurate data, no interactivity.

Think about your own career. Have you ever spent hours exporting data out of a SaaS to slice and dice it in Excel? It’s frustrating.


💸 94% of platforms analyzed use analytics imagery and content in their go-to-market materials.

💸 Half of the same vendors use analytics in pricing and packaging.

Overselling and underdelivering on analytics is happening everywhere in SaaS.

And bad experiences with analytics will ultimately hurt your trustworthiness and lead to churn.

We have gathered all our research and conclusions in an extensive research report.

  • The most common complaints
  • What users love about SaaS analytics
  • How SaaS companies leverage analytics as a selling point
  • and more!

Access the full research report ‘The State of Analytics in SaaS on the blog.

