Experimental Design Plan

Junyu Huang
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2017

Testing Focus

We believe there are three factors that are important to this human-robot interaction:

Q1: What’s the balance between proactively interact and passively interact?

Q2: What contents/ purpose for robots to interact?

Q3: How should the interaction format be?

User Testing Plan


Robot’s brief introduction and statement of our testing purposes


Calling scenario:

This is a scenario where elderly people normally sitting on sofa, and when he/she wants to make a phone call/video call, he/she just need to call Curabot to come and initiate the call using voice command.

Observe and ask feedback about this phone call experience. Do they think more comfortable and convenient to use this moving robot with height/angle adjustable for call?


Video record and message:

This function is used for elderly people to share happy time with their families and friends using video message. Our Curabot will help to record the video and store them for sharing and memory.

Set up an interesting activity: We teach the interviewee to play table tennis at Annex. While playing, our robot will come in two ways and change the distance three times.

Approach 1: under command to come.

This will be the situation when elderly people want to share to others or simply record this current moment, they will use voice command to ask Curabot to come. Then Curabot will confirm with the elderly on their needs to record the video, and send to their targeted people.

Approach 2: automatically come

Curabot will also initialize these interactions when detecting elderly doing something interesting. Curabot will come near to the people first and start casual chat. After knowing what her owner is doing something worth sharing or memorable through questions, she will suggest to record video message.

Ask them preferences on these two ways, and let users to list the potential events they would want to share with others using video.

Three distance levels:

Far, medium, near.

When recording the video, our robot will come from far, medium and near, during the movement, keep asking the satisfaction and feeling of interviewee on the distance. Adjust and record the distance with highest satisfaction.


SNS scenario:

Curabot also provide elderly users with filtered and personalized social media information.

Curabot will need users to set up the preferences about hobbies, interested areas when first using it. Once the preferences are set, Curabot will generate personalize activities or relevant topics daily and read to elderly people during casual chat time, adding the enjoyable moment in elderly people’s life.

Besides personalized prompt, Curabot will also notify elderly about the new post of pre-set people(like intimate friends and families). The method of notification is through robot’s reading out. There are three ways of robot to deliver that:

Direct reading out the post

Robot will interpretation the post

Robot will include more intelligent and have its personality

Try out these three methods to deliver the same example post, ask their feedbacks.


Opening questions

Testing focus: What’s the right principles for Curabot to interact with seniors proactively?

We believe there are three factors that are influential to the interaction:

Q1: What’s the balance between proactively interact and passively interact?

Q2: What contents/ purpose for robots to interact?

Q3: How should the interaction format be?

User Testing:


Robot’s brief introduction and statement of our testing purposes


Calling scenario:

This is a scenario where elderly people normally sitting on sofa, and when he/she wants to make a phone call/video call, he/she just need to call Curabot to come and initiate the call using voice command.

Observe and ask feedback about this phone call experience. Do they think more comfortable and convenient to use this moving robot with height/angle adjustable for call?


Video record and message:

This function is used for elderly people to share happy time with their families and friends using video message. Our Curabot will help to record the video and store them for sharing and memory.

Set up an interesting activity: We teach the interviewee to play table tennis at Annex. While playing, our robot will come in two ways and change the distance three times.

Approach 1: under command to come.

This will be the situation when elderly people want to share to others or simply record this current moment, they will use voice command to ask Curabot to come. Then Curabot will confirm with the elderly on their needs to record the video, and send to their targeted people.

Approach 2: automatically come

Curabot will also initialize these interactions when detecting elderly doing something interesting. Curabot will come near to the people first and start casual chat. After knowing what her owner is doing something worth sharing or memorable through questions, she will suggest to record video message.

Ask them preferences on these two ways, and let users to list the potential events they would want to share with others using video.

Three distance levels:

Far, medium, near.

When recording the video, our robot will come from far, medium and near, during the movement, keep asking the satisfaction and feeling of interviewee on the distance. Adjust and record the distance with highest satisfaction.


SNS scenario:

Curabot also provide elderly users with filtered and personalized social media information.

Curabot will need users to set up the preferences about hobbies, interested areas when first using it. Once the preferences are set, Curabot will generate personalize activities or relevant topics daily and read to elderly people during casual chat time, adding the enjoyable moment in elderly people’s life.

Besides personalized prompt, Curabot will also notify elderly about the new post of pre-set people(like intimate friends and families). The method of notification is through robot’s reading out. There are three ways of robot to deliver that:

Direct reading out the post

Robot will interpretation the post

Robot will include more intelligent and have its personality

Try out these three methods to deliver the same example post, ask their feedbacks.


Opening questions

