Even though you may have used a hashtag in the past doesn’t mean you want to use it in the future ✌️

Justin Cruz
Curate: Instagram Hashtag Tool
2 min readMar 3, 2020

​We use hashtags for all sorts of reasons on Instagram.

Of course, we have our favorites but sometimes we use hashtags that are situational, topical or start to fall outside your niche. Perhaps you were using the hashtag before you developed your hashtag strategy and recognized you shouldn’t be using it. Whatever the reason, just because you used a hashtag once, doesn’t mean you should continue to use it.

Curate is introducing a new feature to help you take these hashtags off of your radar with the ability to hide hashtags. 🎉

Since Curate shows every hashtag you have ever used on Instagram, there will naturally be some hashtags that you don’t care about anymore. You can now use the hide option to take those hashtags off of your radar.

Hide Option View Hashtags
Hover over your hashtags on View Hashtags to see the new hide icon

By clicking the eye icons, you can show or hide hashtags throughout Curate. Hidden hashtags can be easily separated out using your filters, won’t be included when automatically selecting hashtags and will have a visual strikethrough wherever you see that hashtag.

strike through of Instagram Hashtag
You can easily recognize which hashtags you have marked as hidden on Curate with the strikethrough

You can even hide hashtags in bulk by using the checkboxes on the Hashtags page, clicking the gear icon and then selecting the “Hide Hashtags” option.

hide many hashtags at once
Hide many hashtags at once when you use the checkboxes and select “Hide Hashtags”

Even though you may have used a particular hashtag on Instagram in the past, it doesn’t mean you will want to use it in the future. Hiding hashtags is yet another feature that helps you manage your Instagram hashtags more efficiently using Curate.




Justin Cruz
Curate: Instagram Hashtag Tool

Lover of all things software since a kid 🤓 Serial start-up engineer and SaaS solopreneur 🚀 Founder of Curate an Instagram Growth Tool 📈 curate-app.com