Save time doing Instagram hashtag research on each post

Justin Cruz
Curate: Instagram Hashtag Tool
6 min readMar 14, 2021

Selecting the perfect hashtags for every Instagram post is a tedious task.

What’s the best way to quickly choose up to 30 hashtags in your niche? How do you check to see if any hashtags are banned? Which hashtags are best suited to help grow your Instagram organically?

It can be overwhelming and time-consuming. 😳

Curate is focused on maximizing your impact on Instagram via hashtags while saving you time when doing hashtag research.

A brand new way to find the optimal hashtags in record time is now available!

Instagram hashtag research help
Doing your Instagram hashtag research just got a lot easier with the latest Curate update.

Let’s break down how Curate can get you back an hour or two of your week while growing your Instagram at the same time.

Every hashtag at your fingertips

Everyone has their favorite way of finding hashtags. From browsing Instagram, finding hashtag lists online, using a hashtag search engine, copying your competition, and other various techniques.

Curate automatically analyzes every hashtag you have used in the past, gives you suggestions of hashtags to use in the future, and allows you to find hashtags your way.

personalized hashtag statistics
Each hashtag on Curate shows personalized statistics based on your Instagram business account.

You can also organize your hashtags in lists, search for any hashtag, look at which hashtags were used on each post, and find hashtags with a keyword in them, and a lot more.

No matter what your preference is to do your Instagram hashtag research, Curate has you covered.

Add any hashtag to your selection

Whether you’re doing a hashtag search, browsing your Instagram checklists, or sifting through one of your hashtag lists, what do you do when you find a hashtag you want to use?

No matter where you stumble across a hashtag on Curate you can select it to use for a future post using the Add (+) button.

select that hashtag for future
Every hashtag on Curate has the Add button to select that hashtag for future use.

Now when you pick a hashtag for your selection by clicking the button, it will be added to your total in the bottom right corner.

how many hashtags
Keep track of how many hashtags are in your selection in the bottom right corner of Curate.

The number indicates how many hashtags you currently have selected so you can easily collect the amount you want for your next post.

Examine your list of selected hashtags

As you pick up to 30 hashtags, it can be hard to track what hashtags you have already decided to use.

If you want to know which hashtags are in your selection, simply click the icon in the bottom right corner with your total hashtags selected to see your list.

view all of the instagram hashtag copy
Quickly view all of the hashtags you’re deciding on for your next Instagram post.

When the pop-up opens you can see when you last used each hashtag, click the Check button to remove it from your selection, and even jump straight to that hashtag’s Instagram page.

open a new tab for instagram hashtag research
Quickly open a new tab with that hashtag’s Instagram page to do more research.

When you first open the pop-up with your hashtags, it will sort by when you added each hashtag to your selection. You can also sort them alphabetically or by the last time you used the hashtags by clicking the header.

See your hashtags as you browse for more

After you open the pop-up with your full list of hashtags, you can leave it up and continue to use Curate to find more hashtags.

This helps remind you of which hashtags you have already selected and keeps you focused on finding complementary hashtags to go along with them.

leave open for instagram hashtag research
Leave your selected hashtags visible while you continue to find more hashtags to use on Curate.

Simply pop it back down with just a click if you need more screen real estate to browse.

Automatically add hashtags to your selection

If you’re stumped on where to find hashtags then Curate offers a ton of ways for you to get inspiration, analyze competition, and more.

Click the “Add Hashtags” button to see all of your options.

add up to 30 hashtags
Curate makes sure you can only add up to 30 hashtags depending on how many you already selected.

There are many different ways to select your hashtags from looking at your past best performing posts, browsing suggestions in your niche from Curate, and searching for specific hashtags or by keyword.

doing hashtag research
Curate offers many options for finding the perfect hashtags in your niche.

All of the hashtags tools on Curate are personalized for you and the Instagram business account that you have connected with it.

View in-depth stats on your hashtags

There are a lot of strategies when it comes to selecting hashtags on Instagram and Curate wants to support whatever method works best for you.

Click the “Review Hashtags” button to see detailed metrics about each hashtag you picked.

Review your hashtags before you copy and paste
Review your hashtags before you copy and paste them on your post or save them to a list.

Now you can see the most important statistics for your hashtags that are critical for organic growth in 2021.

Using hashtags to grow in 2021
Using hashtags to grow in 2021 is about understanding how you can use them to your advantage.

Using color-coded metrics to help you understand the hashtags that you’re about to use is only one-way Curate helps you stay on track.

Analyze hashtags before you use them

There many things to be careful with when it comes to effectively using hashtags on Instagram. Applying hashtags that don’t make a difference, accidentally using a banned hashtag, overusing the same hashtags, and more.

Click the “Analyze Hashtags” button to see a simple yet powerful checklist that is personalized for your Instagram business account.

analyze your instagram hashtags
Checking the hashtags before you use them ensures you aren’t making any mistakes.

Let Curate analyze your selection for the best practices and give you peace of mind before you add the hashtags to your post.

hashtag best practices on Instagram
Curate prevents you from making any mistakes when it comes to hashtag best practices on Instagram.

It helps to have a second set of eyes to make sure you don’t fall victim to one of the Instagram hashtag mistakes.

Use the hashtags you found

After you found the perfect hashtags for your post, you want to use them!

Click the “Use Hashtags” button for all the options Curate has.

Using the hashtags
Using the hashtags after all of your research is the fun part!

You can use your hashtags right then by copy and pasting them in your post’s caption or Instagram scheduling tool.

Copy and paste your Instagram hashtags
Copy and paste your Instagram hashtags on your post or directly add them from Curate.

You can also have Curate add your hashtags directly to your posts for you as a comment to save even more time!

If you decide you want to use the hashtags you selected later then you can save them to a list.

Saving your hashtags for later
Saving your hashtags for later lets you get ahead with planning your social strategy.

Planning your hashtags in advance when you’re doing content creation is another workflow that Curate supports.

It allows you to schedule your hashtags to be automatically added to your next post so you can plan many posts in advance and have your hashtags taken care of by Curate.

Using an Instagram hashtag checker like Curate empowers you with insights to ensure you continually grow.

This latest update was made to save you even more time while you find your perfect hashtags. 🤓

Look out for the upcoming Chrome Extension update which includes all of these tools right in your browser.

Stay tuned!




Justin Cruz
Curate: Instagram Hashtag Tool

Lover of all things software since a kid 🤓 Serial start-up engineer and SaaS solopreneur 🚀 Founder of Curate an Instagram Growth Tool 📈