Job Loss & Leveling Up

7 Self Care Tips to Prioritize When Facing Job Loss or a Major Career Transition

Big changes call for, well, big changes. Here’s what you need to focus to get through it with success.

Danielle Vardaro
Curated Careers


Okay, people, it’s coffee talk time. I know you’re in a hard season. Me too.

But I’m here to remind of you of a few key things you can start doing today to see it through.

These tips won’t take a lot of time to implement and will effectively help you grow through whatever you’re going through, so you can get back to living your best life.

First, it’s imperative that you start viewing your circumstance as an opportunity.

As soon as you adopt this mindset you start to energize your mind and body around all the goodness that will come because of and after this significant life transition.

“Everything negative — pressure, challenges — is all an opportunity for me to rise.” — Kobe Bryant

Second, let’s get some present-day lingo in our vernacular:

Glow Up (noun): A significant self-transformation; a mental, physical, and an emotional transformation for the better. Glow Ups can be both natural or planned. As well as being gradual and permanent, or fast and temporary.

What if, instead of seeing your job loss as a big fat negative, or letting the struggles of career change get you down — you reframed the whole experience as your own personal Glow Up?

Whether you’re going through a layoff, in a major work-life-sanity imbalance, or even just trying to get through a tough season of life (hello, 2020) it’s your mindset that will ultimately see how you get through it.

And whether you succeed or not.

But our mindset needs to be cultivated and in order to cultivate the right mindset, you need to look after you.

Here are my 7 go-to self-care tips when weathering heavy seasons of change:

1. Prioritize daily fitness no matter what.

Ideally, the first thing in the morning, so that you give your body and mind a boost of endorphins and allow yourself to feel strong right at the beginning of your day.

2. Develop a Journalling habit.

Spend at least 10 minutes journaling about your future self and life, as if it’s already happened. Not sure where to start? Start list-making. Make a list of things you love about your new life.

3. Do a #ViceDetox.

Review the things (vices!) in your life that are holding you back and remove them from your life for at least 30 days so that nothing distracts you from what needs your focus. Examples of things to remove: booze, TV, social media, a food group, relationships, caffeine etc.

4. Complete a consumption audit.

This has nothing to do with food, and everything to do with the people, news, stories, and the consistent messaging you consume. Level up on what you allow into your life. Surround yourself with badass, strong women. If you want to play in the big leagues you need to consume thoughts, lessons and people who are at a level you aspire to be at. Pick 5–10 leaders you admire and aspire to be like. Follow them, listen to their podcasts and interviews, understand what makes them tick and adopt their tips that work for you.

5. Prioritize creative outlets.

Creativity fuels your soul and gives you an outlet that allows you to express yourself however you see fit, which is important during times of transition. The job search is a grind and it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and it’s important to find outlets for release and to fuel your creativity — heck, it may even lead you in a completely new direction for the better!

6. Get good music into your life.

Music has been shown to have a direct impact on our mood and emotional sense of self — the right playlist can have a big impact on your mindset.

Make a playlist. Listen to your favourite band. Throw a dance party.

7. Don’t forget to treat yo’self.

Set some milestones on your journey to the other side, and reward yourself for what you accomplish. Schedule a celebratory donut date with your kids. Buy the fancy Champagne.

Embrace your transformation while taking care of yourself throughout the process.

Ready to level-up your career?

I’ve put together a pressure-tested marketing bundle of personal branding collateral to help anyone refresh and own her/his personal brand and to better position oneself for all conversations during or leading up to a career transition or inflection point.

These are the 3 tools you need beyond the resume.

Get your free download, with everything you need to know here.


xx, Danielle

For more tips and tricks for the Modern Day Working Woman, and ways to live your best life while actualizing your full potential, follow Danielle @BubblesandBabes.



Danielle Vardaro
Curated Careers

Creative. Leadership Expert. Champagne Lover. Keynote Speaker. I write about ways to live our best lives & actualize our full potential, and bubbles. CHEERS!