Personal Branding Like a Boss

3 Things You Need Beyond a Resume to Land Your Next Job

Prepare these tools before you need them and you’ll be ready for your next step towards success.

Danielle Vardaro
Curated Careers


Photo by Bookblock on Unsplash

Hello, hi, nice to see you again, let’s bring it in and have a quick pep talk about YOU.

Whether you’re looking for a job, facing a major life or career transition, having an identity crisis, feel stuck, or just plain want more; you need to be able to articulate who you are, what you want and what you’re looking for, especially as you ask for help.

Do you have a personal brand?

Trick question. Whether you like it or not, you have a personal brand. And if you’re not owning your personal brand, other people and circumstances will.

My opinion? Own it. Own it loud and proud.

But why?

Well, for starters it feels good to love who you are and show up as your whole self in every single room you enter. Owning your personal brand helps you actualize your full potential and helps you use all your skills, talents and unique capabilities in everything you do.

You’re pretty talented, so why not?

Also, you believe in equality for all, don’t you? Good. Reminder: We still have a gender pay gap and women are grossly underrepresented in all positions of power (and it’s 2020 y’all). When you own who you are and how you show up you become the most confident version of yourself, which empowers you to always ask for and fight for what you want, what you deserve and to never settle.

And dudes: we need you showing up big too. Not only for yourself, but the world will also forever be in need of talented and unique leaders leading from all platforms and supporting the people and issues that matter.

AND as one other thing, your little people and their little people are watching. Heck everyone is watching, and we need more role models who show up authentically, and with the many diverse and exceptional traits that we each bring to the table.

See, you need you, and society needs you, and every one of us needs you; we need ALL OF US sharing our whole selves with the world.

Now, I’m sure you’re thinking: “Great, I’m on board, but what does this have to do with helping me land my next job and lean into my purpose?”

Actually everything. Let me explain.

You Need More than a Resume

When most people look for a job, what do they always use? A resume.

And the problem with using just a resume to talk about yourself is that it talks about what you’ve done, but doesn’t really explain who you are and why someone should hire the person which is crucial in today’s highly competitive job market. Plus, a resume is long, missing your personality, and without a clear personal value proposition.

This is where personal branding comes in. People hire people. Finding a way to stand out in a sea of talent, which is now larger than ever because so many people have been laid off due to the pandemic, is extremely important. Trust me, I’ve been living this. You need a more impactful way to showcase your unique value add (+personal brand), and to talk about yourself so that you can ask for targeted help and land your next role.

As well as a resume (because we do still need them) you also need to think about creating the following:

1. Personal Branding Statement Template:

This is your unique, authentically you, written-out, elevator pitch. The clearer you are on who you are and what you want, the easier it is for you to focus your ask and search. Multiple versions encouraged.

2. Marketing Plan Template:

Your personal marketing plan defines your unique value proposition, objective, target market, and target companies. It helps your network clearly understand who you are, what you offer, and what you are looking for. It’s also a great feedback tool.

3. Career Roadmap Template:

This is your visual resume. It makes learning about you more personable, enjoyable, and easier.

These tools effectively help you articulate what you want, what you bring to the table, and make it easy for your network to help you beyond the resume.

Remember: Your personal brand is the thing that enters the room whether or not you’re actually in the room. Own it.

I’ve put together a pressure-tested marketing bundle of personal branding collateral to help anyone refresh and own their personal brand and to better position oneself for all conversations during or leading up to a career transition or inflection point.

The contents within are the exact documents I’ve been using as I navigate my own career transition (layoff due to COVID-19, here!) and simply stated: they work.

Get your free download, with everything you need to know here.

xx, Danielle

For more tips and tricks for the Modern Day Working Woman, and ways to live your best life while actualizing your full potential, follow Danielle @BubblesandBabes.



Danielle Vardaro
Curated Careers

Creative. Leadership Expert. Champagne Lover. Keynote Speaker. I write about ways to live our best lives & actualize our full potential, and bubbles. CHEERS!