Disguise your ChatGPT powered writing like a pro!!

-a student’s Point of view

Neel Vyas
6 min readApr 26, 2023


Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

Who among us hasn’t heard of ChatGPT, the ultimate virtual assistant you’ll ever need to write content for you and respond to all of your intrusive questions.

The majority of us have probably tried it or at least thought about using the current AI hero to write our assignments, articles, or research papers.

Unfortunately, there is a significant probability that we would be exposed and who needs that as if we don’t already have other stuff making our lives difficult as it is.

But lucky for you I am as lazy as you are, and therefore I’ve uncovered 4 pretty simple and untraceable (tried and tested) ways to write using ChatGPT.

· Don’t be that student

All right , so I think we can all agree on being “that guy” who just asked ChatGPT to write an article on ‘The 2008 financial crisis’ and submitted whatever the outcome was by just simply copy pasting, is asking to get caught. Here the professor doesn’t even need any AI detector to catch you, I think they would be pretty sure that Mark the freshman with Finance major who hardly makes it to any class wrote it.

Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash

So, make sure to do your research before diving into ChatGPT. Always lay some ground work by mixing your sources. Check out some articles, videos and blogs before handing everything down to ChatGPT, so this way you would at least have the basic knowledge about what you are writing.

Trust me, because this is what I did too. When ChatGPT was newly introduced, I handed in my paper on “Cultural arts” by just noting down whatever it had generated. At that time I don’t think my teacher even knew what ChatGPT was and still she failed me knowing I hadn’t wrote that.

So to prevent that from happening to you:

· Redefine your command

It’s crucial to refine your commands when using ChatGPT! Why? Well, because this AI powerhouse can sometimes generate text that’s a bit too “AI-ish” for our liking. By tweaking your prompts and being crystal clear about your intentions, you’ll make the output more natural, blending seamlessly with your own writing. It’s like donning an invisibility cloak — nobody will ever know your secret AI assistant was there!

Always be specific and explicit in your requests. Don’t simply execute your command in general. Make sure to include all the information you want it to entail. From word count to writing style, from the amount of headers to the specific information each should contain, everything must be perfect. You can only guarantee untraceability by making your request as specific and personal as you can.

Pro tip: Always make sure to ask ChatGPT to add a human touch to the content, this way it will always “dumb it down” for us.

· Paraphrase your content

This is just an additional step that you need to take to maintain your anonymity. It hardly takes a few minutes.

Take someone else’s idea, then change the words and rearrange them while maintaining the concept at its core. This is what it means to paraphrase. It’s a helpful tip for adding your own distinctive twist to a notion!

“If ChatGPT could make you, it could break you!” I know it hurts but it’s the truth. The only thing one has to do to catch you, is to simply put your content into ChatGPT and ask If it wrote that and instantly ChatGPT would spill the truth.

So to avoid this, what we could do is that take our carefully curated content from ChatGpt and paste into a decent paraphrasing tool such as Quillbot or Writesonic. What it would do is completely rewrite the material by keeping the main idea intact by which it could never be traced back to ChatGPT not even by any plagiarism checkers.

· Do what they would do

It is important to make sure that we get this step right so that our process becomes foolproof and to do so we need to think like those who are there to catch us in the act.

In order to ensure that no software will be able to tell that our beloved friend ChatGPT created this for us, make sure to run your work through any plagiarism detectors before turning it in. Running it through Grammarly, Writer AI or any other software like this which offers a free plagiarism detection, is an excellent approach to accomplish this.

Get your material proofread as the following step in this process. Just ask a friend or someone close, to quickly read it. They could then assist you in confirming that it was actually written by the individual they have known for a considerable amount of time. By doing this, you will get a very decent notion of whether your content is credible or not and if it could slide under the person’s nose for whom you went through this blog.

· Check Your facts

This is an additional step that you could choose to perform. Fact-checking is more important than ever in the digital era, especially when employing AI-based technologies like ChatGPT. As someone benefitting immensely from AI, we must understand that even the most advanced AI systems might produce errors now and again. By taking a time to double-check facts, we can keep our dialogues based in reality. Thus, we may encourage sincere connections and guarantee that our conversations are informed by credible information, thus enhancing and enhancing our online interactions.

And to make this process efficient and organized, you could do what I usually prefer; using Curateit. It is a chrome extension using which I just quickly research the topics and save articles, images, videos and other data in specific collections and annotating them as I please. It also proves to be helpful when you have to go through a load of data to find a particular information as it provides me with creating bookmarks and highlights along with reader view. Currently it is in beta testing phase but you could join the exclusive waitlist here: Curate it


And that’s it guys! We’ve navigated the treacherous waters of ChatGPT land and emerged unscathed. In order to avoid being discovered, always remember to embrace your inner ninja — blend in, adapt, and sprinkle a dash of humanity into every interaction. Follow these tips and you shall be able to glide over the task of writing big, boring, pages and pages of content with ease.


Follow this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NVIPtmlA5X5JCQzHF6QUf1496Ofcnh0S/view?usp=drivesdk and I’ll showcase each and every step with a real time example and display the difference the framing of your prompt and paraphrasing could make and how every step is crucial for assured success.

