Unlock the Power of Efficient Research with Curateit: The Ultimate Tool to Help You Save Time and Boost Productivity!

Savan Vyas
Published in
9 min readMar 10, 2023

Curateit is a Google Extension that allows students to curate and organize information from various sources, including websites, articles, videos, and images, into a personalized digital collection. Here are some ways Curateit can enhance students’ research process:

  1. Efficient and organized information gathering: With Curateit, students can easily search and collect information from multiple sources and organize it in one place, making their research process more efficient and organized.
  2. Collaboration: Curateit allows students to collaborate with their peers on research projects, making it easier to share and discuss information and ideas.
  3. Critical thinking: Curateit encourages students to evaluate and analyze the information they collect, helping them develop critical thinking skills.
  4. Easy citation: Curateit automatically generates citations for sources, helping students avoid plagiarism and properly credit their sources.
  5. Visual representation: Curateit provides students with a visual representation of their research, allowing them to see connections and patterns between different sources and ideas.
  6. Flexibility: Curateit is a flexible tool that can be used for various types of research projects, including essays, presentations, and multimedia projects.

Why Curateit is the Ultimate Research Tool for Students

Curateit is an ideal research partner for students because it offers a range of features that streamline the research process and help students organize and curate information effectively. Here are some reasons why Curateit is the perfect research partner for students:

  1. Ease of use: Curateit is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it accessible for students of all skill levels.
  2. Accessibility: Curateit is available online, making it accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.
  3. Organization: Curateit allows students to organize their research into easily accessible folders, making it easier to find information later.
  4. Collaboration: Curateit allows students to collaborate with their peers on research projects, making it easier to share and discuss information and ideas.
  5. Customization: Curateit allows students to customize their collections by adding notes, tags, and comments, making it easier to remember and reference information.
  6. Citation: Curateit automatically generates citations for sources, helping students avoid plagiarism and properly credit their sources.
  7. Visual representation: Curateit provides students with a visual representation of their research, allowing them to see connections and patterns between different sources and ideas.
  8. Time-saving: Curateit saves students time by allowing them to easily gather, organize, and access information in one place.

Overall, Curateit is the perfect research partner for students because it helps students streamline their research process, produce high-quality work, and ultimately achieve academic success.

Enhancing Teaching Efficiency: How Curateit Can Support Teachers in Lesson Planning, Differentiation, and Collaboration

Curateit also allows teachers to curate and organize information from various sources into a personalized digital collection. Here are some ways Curateit can support teachers:

Lesson planning: Curateit allows teachers to gather resources and organize them in a way that aligns with their lesson plans, making it easier to find and use materials during instruction.

Differentiation: Curateit allows teachers to curate resources that are tailored to the needs of their students, making it easier to differentiate instruction.

Collaboration: Curateit allows teachers to collaborate with their colleagues on curriculum development, making it easier to share and discuss resources and ideas.

Professional development: Curateit allows teachers to curate resources for their own professional development, such as articles, videos, and webinars.

Assessment: Curateit allows teachers to create and share collections with their students for assessment purposes, such as research projects or multimedia presentations.

Time-saving: Curateit saves teachers time by allowing them to easily gather, organize, and access information in one place.

Customization: Curateit allows teachers to customize their collections by adding notes, tags, and comments, making it easier to remember and reference information.

Here are Some Premium Features of Curateit

Curateit allows users to curate and organize information from various sources into a personalized digital collection. While the basic version of Curateit is free, there are premium features available for users who need additional functionality. Here are some premium features of Curateit:

  1. Custom branding: Curateit allows users to customize the branding of their collections, including the logo, colors, and fonts, making it easier to create a personalized look and feel.
  2. Analytics: Curateit provides users with analytics on their collections, including views, shares, and engagement, making it easier to track the impact of their content.
  3. Collaboration management: Curateit allows users to manage collaboration on their collections, including user permissions, version control, and comments, making it easier to work with teams and stakeholders.
  4. Integration with third-party tools: Curateit integrates with a variety of third-party tools, including social media platforms, content management systems, and learning management systems, making it easier to share and distribute content.
  5. Advanced search functionality: Curateit provides advanced search functionality, including Boolean operators, proximity search, and date range search, making it easier to find specific information within collections.
  6. Priority support: Curateit offers priority support to premium users, including email and phone support, making it easier to get help with any issues or questions.

Top Features of Curateit

  • Spotlight universal search : The Universal Search feature of Curateit allows users to search for content across a variety of sources, including social media platforms, blogs, news websites, and more. This means that users can quickly and easily find the most relevant and up-to-date content on a particular topic without having to visit multiple websites or search engines.
  • Bookmark : Curateit’s Bookmark feature allows users to save content they find during their research for future reference. With just one click, users can save articles, blog posts, and other content to their bookmarks, making it easy to access them later. Users can organize their bookmarks into folders, making it simple to keep track of related content. The Bookmark feature is particularly useful for content curation, as it allows users to quickly and easily save content they want to share with their audience. Overall, Curateit’s Bookmark feature is a powerful tool that helps users stay organized and save time during their content research and curation process.
  • Save Tabs : Curateit’s Save Tabs feature allows users to save multiple open tabs in their web browser with just one click. This feature is particularly useful for content curation, as it allows users to quickly and easily save multiple sources of information on a particular topic for future reference. Saved tabs can be organized into folders and annotated with notes, making it easy to keep track of related content. The Save Tabs feature is a great time-saver for users who frequently research and curate content, as it eliminates the need to manually bookmark and organize individual web pages.
  • Reader’s View : Curateit’s Reader’s View feature allows users to strip away distracting elements from web pages, leaving only the main content for easier reading. This feature is particularly useful for content curation, as it helps users quickly and easily evaluate the quality and relevance of articles and blog posts. The Reader’s View feature can be activated with just one click, and it removes elements such as ads, sidebars, and navigation menus from the page, leaving only the text and images of the article. This feature is a great time-saver for users who need to quickly scan multiple articles for relevant information.
  • Dark-Light Mode : Curateit’s Dark-Light Mode feature is a user-friendly that allows users to switch between a light and dark color scheme with just one click. This feature is particularly useful for users who spend a lot of time working on their computer, as it can reduce eye strain and improve readability in low light environments. The Dark-Light Mode feature can be accessed from the settings menu and it changes the color scheme of the entire platform, making it easy to work in a way that is comfortable for each individual user. This feature is a great way to customize the user experience and create a more enjoyable and efficient content curation process.
  • Upload Bookmarks : Curateit’s Upload Bookmarks feature allows users to import bookmarks from their web browser directly into the Curateit platform. This feature is particularly useful for users who have already curated a collection of bookmarks and want to bring them all together in one place. With just a few clicks, users can upload their existing bookmarks to Curateit, allowing them to organize and annotate their saved content alongside any new sources they find. This feature is a great time-saver for users who want to streamline their content curation process and create a comprehensive library of useful resources for their audience.
  • Highlights(text, image, pdf, code, youtube) : Curateit’s Highlights feature allows users to extract and save important pieces of content from a variety of sources, including text, images, PDFs, code snippets, and YouTube videos. This feature is particularly useful for content curation, as it allows users to quickly and easily highlight and save the most relevant and valuable information from a variety of sources. Users can organize their highlights into folders, making it easy to keep track of related content. The Highlights feature is a great way to create a comprehensive library of useful resources for an audience and can be used to enhance blog posts, social media posts, and other types of content.
  • Import: Connect from Pocket : Curateit’s “Import: Connect from Pocket” feature allows users to easily import content from their Pocket account into their Curateit account. Pocket is a popular app that allows users to save articles, videos, and other content from around the web to read later. With the “Import: Connect from Pocket” feature, users can seamlessly transfer their saved Pocket content to their Curateit account, where they can further organize, tag, and curate their content. This integration makes it easier for users to keep track of the content they’ve saved across different platforms and incorporate it into their curated collections.
  • Import Kindle Highlights : Curateit’s “Import Kindle Highlights” feature allows users to easily import their Kindle highlights and notes into their Curateit account. With this feature, users can select a book from their Kindle library and import all their highlights and notes into Curateit with just a few clicks. This integration makes it easier for users to keep track of their reading insights and create curated collections of their favorite quotes and passages. The ability to import Kindle highlights into Curateit enhances the platform’s capabilities as a tool for personal knowledge management and helps users create a comprehensive database of their reading insights.
  • Image Screenshot : Curateit’s “Image Screenshot” feature allows users to capture and save screenshots of webpages directly within their Curateit account. With just a few clicks, users can capture images of articles, websites, and other online content and save them as part of their curated collections. This feature is particularly useful for capturing visual content that can’t be easily saved or bookmarked, such as infographics, charts, or social media posts. The Image Screenshot feature enhances Curateit’s functionality as a comprehensive tool for curating online content, enabling users to collect and organize visual content alongside text-based articles and other resources.
  • Comment and Colloborate : Curateit’s “Comment and Collaborate” feature allows users to collaborate with others by leaving comments and notes on curated content. This feature enables users to share their insights, feedback, and questions with other members of their team or community, facilitating knowledge sharing and collaboration. Users can also invite others to contribute to their curated collections, creating a space for co-creation and collaborative knowledge management. The Comment and Collaborate feature enhances Curateit’s capabilities as a tool for teamwork and collective learning, empowering users to collaborate and share knowledge with others in their organization or network.

In conclusion, Curateit is a powerful digital platform that can greatly enhance the research process for students, teachers, and anyone in need of a tool to gather and organize information from various sources. With its user-friendly interface, customization options, collaboration features, and time-saving capabilities, Curateit provides an efficient and effective way to curate and manage information for any project or subject matter. By utilizing the many features of Curateit, researchers can streamline their workflow, improve the quality of their work, and ultimately achieve their academic or professional goals. Whether you are a student, teacher, or independent researcher, Curateit is a valuable tool that can help you succeed in your research endeavors.

Currently launched to beta users so join waitlist using the link here. https://link.curateit.com/betawaitlist



Savan Vyas

Savan Vyas is the Head of Product at Writesonic and Founder of Curateit. I am passionate about exploring, understanding, building and sharing tools with all