Call for Writers About the Boost, Writing, & Working With Medium

Grace Mary Power
Boosting and Writing Matters
6 min readSep 27, 2023


Photo by Sahand Babali on Unsplash

Consider becoming a writer for “Boosting and Writing Matters” if you write or know a story related to any of the following content areas.

  1. A story that you wrote was boosted, and you would like to share that story, why you think it was boosted, and the impacts of it being boosted. Please add the Tag “Boosted” to your stories about being boosted.
  2. A story written by someone else that you would like to “curate” or feature. Ideally, this will appear under the section titled “Curate someone else’s story” on the homepage. If it doesn’t it can still be identified by including “Curate A Story” as part of the story title!
  3. A quality, i.e. accurate and fact backed article about working with Medium. This can include changes or something little known. NOTE: this Publication is not the place to regurgitate information from the Medium blog without ADDING your own insights. Your story has to add VALUE, that is, not ramble on about things most of us know or can easily find. Therefore, personal insights are welcome, rather than generic or run-of-the mill content (that may appear elsewhere).
  4. Writing tips that are of strong use for the general reader, that you demonstrate have worked for you.



Grace Mary Power
Boosting and Writing Matters

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.