In Celebration of Curation: My Top 10 Curated Stories (2020–21)

Medium milestones - favourite curated poetry, fiction and essays

Melissa Coffey
Boosting and Writing Matters


Photo by Diogo Fagundes on Unsplash

It’s not quite true that curation comes to all those who wait. It seems more accurate to say it comes to most who continue to publish, who seek to improve their writing through both practice and feedback, who experiment with different publications, writing topics and perhaps their style.

Ideas and theories about curation will always inevitably be a hot topic on this platform but I can say each of my curated articles increased my reads and Followers almost without exception, sometimes leading to other kinds of “amplified distribution” (which I’ll elaborate further on under the relevant article links) and has contributed to my growth on Medium.

I’ve been writing on Medium since June 27th, 2020, joining the Medium Partner Program about a month later. For that first month, I only published poetry and short fiction in two small publications, making my work relatively invisible to any but followers of those publications. It wasn’t until the end of July that I even became aware of the existence of this mysterious process called curation. The honour eluded my work for another frustrating month. Around the end of August, I achieved my first two curations. I then managed to achieve curation…



Melissa Coffey
Boosting and Writing Matters

Wordstruck poet & storyteller. Writing on loss & desire. Published in various journals & anthologies. Lover of prose poetry, art & ekphrasis. EIC @ ArtMusing