Penelope Steunenberg, Curated Stories: What the Heck Did I Do Right?

The first four of my stories that were curated on medium

Penelope Steunenberg
Boosting and Writing Matters


Photo by Ewan Robertson on Unsplash

This is a story for the publication — Curation Matters; which I am contributing to in order to share experiences with other writers; I’m trying to improve my writing so that it is more in line with what Medium expects and promotes.

I’ve still got a lot to learn, but I have managed to improve my curation rate lately since I’ve been focusing on learning more about this specific platform; I hope this article helps others who are also trying to figure out this whole curation thing!

I’d been writing on medium for about a month when I first got curated, it was my third story published on medium. I had no idea what I was doing, and I didn’t really know what curation meant at that stage.


I am not okay and comparisons make me feel isolated.

Date Published: Feb 4th, 2019

Self Published

Story Duration: 8 minutes



Penelope Steunenberg
Boosting and Writing Matters

Empowering others and thinking deeply, sharing short stories with big lessons. I am especially interested in morality, philosophy, and mental illness.