Why Writing on Medium is Worth it Even if You Don’t Make Thousands of Dollars a Month

Or even a hundred dollars a month, like me

Addey Vaters
Boosting and Writing Matters


Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash

As a former English major who’s somehow ended up in the financial aid field (another story for another day, perhaps), I’m constantly trying to practice my writing skills and break into the writing industry in a meaningful way. You might be thinking “Oh, how nice. She wants her writing to have meaning.” While that is, indeed, true, meaningful in the way I’m talking about is financially. Career writing and editing jobs at publishing companies are extremely competitive and blogging is only lucrative for a select few (sorry to break it to you…) Because of this, leveraging your writing is important if you want to have any sort of successful career in the industry.

Now I’m no expert on this seeing as I haven’t made the transition to full-time writing just yet (one day — hopefully), but I have learned a few things along the way, and one of my biggest learning experiences has been writing on Medium.

Starting out includes a lot of big promises

When I started writing on Medium in spring 2020, there were a lot of big promises thrown my way. I was constantly seeing articles, YouTube videos, and comments about how much writers could make…



Addey Vaters
Boosting and Writing Matters

Writer, reader, cat lover, and tea drinker. Romance novelist in progress. Words in Adroit Journal, Vita Brevis, & others. AddeyVaters.com