1+927 Gallery
Diana Rohmatul Fitria| 08111840000013
First Published in 1971. The theory is divided into two main points for reference, namely: 1. Contextualism has attempted to resolve this dilemma and made the city, as we find it, a viable form in the future that promises enormous expansion.
2. Contextualism, professing to reconcile the above ideas, has attempted such a middle ground.
To produce a new understanding in the form of a renewal project. Renewal Projects have created a chasm between the existing and the new, preventing from offering any reasonable amenity. Regionalism in architecture refers to the notion that architecture should simulate not only the physical context but also the cultural and political contexts that envelope it.
Surabaya is a city of heroes that keeps various memories from past events haunt through buildings. International Building is one of the buildings that tell the general public about the different conditions and situations in Surabaya. The context comes from the Surabaya government’s analysis with a student in an interview about the developments of a historic area in the Jembatan Merah area. The interview mentioned the primary function as a tourist destination for historical buildings. Service buildings are now experiencing a decline in function as historic areas with the remains of ancient buildings. The relationship between the building and the environment in the form of humans and other buildings produces a speculative that has not been thought of before — the speculative analysis of the relationship of generation z to historical development. As the ages change, there will be generations of descendants of the previous generation of the Z-generations how teenagers can get responses to the appreciation of learning about history and culture by representation on the building. When combined with the current state of technology, a youth-like approach to history and culture. Refers to the space program that designs the flexibility of activities in terms of circulation, accessibility, event-affinity, and change of space functions by building users.
The Gallery references the speculative aspect of the times that occurred. How does the lifestyle of generation Z change the perception of buildings formed through flexible space functions? What if the International Building was the ideal creative Gallery for Gen Z? The Internatio Building is a speculative object, so changes in the characteristics of generation Z as a speculative aspect (as subject) will affect the context of the building.