
Published in
10 min readDec 28, 2021

B.U.N.G.A Homeless Shelter

Satria Hervanda — 08111840000024

In this rapidly developing era, urban elites are increasingly proud of their position, especially in big cities in Indonesia. There are so many activities outside that are carried out by the general public. But who would have thought? With a large population of Malang City, there is one group of people who are very isolated, namely the homeless who we often find on the streets. The existence of these social status groups creates social inequality in the city which is the second largest city in East Java. These homeless people are always considered strange, disgusting, and disturbing public order, especially by the elite in the city. The condition of these homeless people, if not responded well, can develop the existence of social inequality itself because of their activities which openly reveal their condition which tends to be shabby and dirty.

In this architectural response, responding to a statement about a modern city is a good city for its people, but what about the homeless whose conditions are very difficult to feel and the existence of another statement regarding the division of clusters in an urban environment is a solution in building regional harmony . A real condition must unite all aspects of both humans, activities, environment, and atmosphere, especially their socio-economic status. This design aims to present a homeless shelter in the middle of a densely populated residential area as a stimulant to build equality and reduce social inequality, through speculation in the form of what if the context and formal form of the building do not have to be a configuration that forms the image of the region based on its social status, but based on the flexibility and functionality of its programs that build its social environment?

Defining the Potential of Incremental Apartement forYoung Entrepreneurs in Surabaya


NAURA ANGGITA RAHIMA | 0811184000085


”A building is like a soap bubble. This bubble is perfect and harmonious if the breath has been evenly distributed from the inside. The exterior is the result of an interior”

from Introducing Architectural Theory, Chapter 9 : Context and Building:

Le Corbusier, in Towards a New Architecture (1923)

Objek arsitektural ini bertujuan untuk membuka kemungkinan skema perumahan bagi pengusaha muda. Dengan menggabungkan unit yang fleksibel dan dapat disesuaikan untuk memenuhi kegiatan berwirausaha yang akan memfasilitasi skema perumahan saat ini di Surabaya

Dua isu utama yang menjadi di sekitar Rungkut adalah banyaknya pusat pendidikan dengan tingkat youthpreneur yang tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masalah sosial, dilakukan analisis latar belakang masalah. Maka terjadilah ide mencegah dimana memberikan kesempatan kepada penduduk kreatif yang saat ini menjadi youthpreneur membangun kesempatannya melalui sebuah pusat pengembangan wirausaha yang tepat diusulkan untuk menanggapi penduduk yang tinggi serta biaya hunian yang murah

Community Center for Elderly: How to Use the Body of Elderly as a Representative in Architectural Design.

Dianda Fakhira — 08111840000033

As an architectural representation in the process of design, the body of a well-shaped man is often used to be a standard in creating a building, whereas the human body itself is varied into many kinds be it based upon gender, race, size, as well as age. The human body is not all about full-grown white males with a certain weight and height, which can be frequently come across in architectural graphic standards. It may lead to a misconception that perfect buildings are equal to a well-shaped man, where in fact, all sorts of body types can be used as a representative in the design process, including the body of elderly.

Responding to the ageing population which occurs at the moment, where the number of old people keeps increasing day after day, notably in Sukun, Malang, the presence of facilities for the elderly is then needed. An elderly community center is one of the great options to be provided for them as to how older they get, the fewer activities they could carry out, whilst people at their age, whom we called boomer generation, tend to have great spirit and determination. However, because of several limitations they have as they’re aging, the elderly often feel small and excluded from the community.

Therefore, in response to these issues, empowering elders can be a useful method. As an architect, this idea can be poured into a building that can empower elders, where they no longer need to feel small and free to express their minds.

Healing Architecture in Sanatio Mother and Baby Hospital

Nadia Putri Anisa — 08111840000062

Population growth is getting higher every year, becoming an urgency in increasing the development of settlements in the city. However, there is an imbalance in the relationship between the building, the user, and the environment so that the life quality of the community is not commensurate with the level of development carried out. The unhealthy quality of settlements due to this imbalance causes limited access to public facilities for some people, one of which is health facilities. Health facilities that are prioritized are maternal and child health facilities that still only provide medical services and do not provide rehabilitative and long-term treatment experience. Then what if the patient gets health care that is not only obtained through medical treatment, but also through the quality of architecture and a good environment? The Special Hospital for Mothers and Children with a Healing Architecture Approach is a proposal to answer this issue. This hospital provides preventive, curative, and rehabilitative health services, which are expected not only to support maternal and child health facilities, but also to accommodate the long-term recovery needs of patients and improve the quality of treatment carried out.

Mass Surveillance in Architectue: the depiction of a safe environment in residential

Risanti Anne A — 08111840000047

The advancement of information technology had an impact on various aspects of life. One that can be mentioned is the political phenomenon, Mass Surveillance. It’s a method to maintain security and order, carried out by the government by collecting, monitoring, and observing every activity and information. Surveillance itself is centered on its subject, who needs to be controlled and who is free of that control, who needs to be watched and who is the watcher.

And so how would it be if surveillance applied in an architectural context? More precisely in the form of residential?

Surveillance in architecture should be applied on the narratives of safety and ease. To do so, it’s important to distinguish the public and the private area, as safety is obtained differently in different setting and it’s relevant to perceive which spaces can and need to be surveilled.

“Single minded” space such as unit rooms, get a sense of safety when there is no surveillance and interference with people’s right to privacy. Access to space and border become a notable point to be considered. Whereas “open minded” spaces such as park, hallway, pathway need to have an unobstructed view of the space, people presence, and activities to be a safe environment.

Noted in the book “Introduction of Architecture” at chapter 8, configuration and organization of space as well as the choice of building materials can affect the user experience. One could be able to fulfill the initial goals of the design by classifying the element of the building and playing with the dimension, proportion, circulation, or composition. And how space could be organized through a range of tangible and intangible device of control.

The Structure of Humans Skin as An Architectural Proportion

Fadhlurrahman Nur Ramdhani — 08111840000032

In the book “Introduction of Architecture” at chapter 7, Vitruvius advances the idea that the proportions of buildings will be beautiful if they are in agreement with the proportions of the human body. Then, after connecting the anatomy of the human body to building, Leonardo Da Vinci described the perfect man described by Vitruvius, known as the vitruvian man. Leonardo’s extensive grasp of anatomy may have piqued his interest in studying architectural drawings. For people, architecture is both space and shape. Understanding human anatomy can help you find the perfect space.

What if a design is created using the structure of human skin as a model? This will be fascinating because a building can be considered the third skin of humans in ecological architecture, therefore why does an architectural design not incorporate the entire structure of the skin?

The author starts by mapping the function of each layer of the skin and converting it into architectural language in this design. For its incorporation into the design form, the author employs a parametric way of mapping the previously established skin functions. The first shape of this design is ultimately seen from the results of entering the parameter data, and then developed such that the objective of being able to combine the layer structure of human skin into the architecture may be realized in this design.

Ambang : a floating settlement based on morokrembangan reservoir

Ahnaf — 08111840000038

According to Vitruvius the need for shelter is the origin of architecture. At times, architect build to overcome natures (bridges, dams, and high-rise), at other times architect designed and built with natures such as using existing typography, natural material, and considering climate. Nature used by architects as design principles, insights, and inspirations

and nature is a concept defined by culture, and this concept is everchanging. Nature is a blank canvas for human to create with whatever the principle is, and natural is how we connect nature and architecture and aims to create a harmonious and new relationship between man and nature.

City growth rates are generally decelerating, especially in their core areas. However, given the absolute population numbers and the projected growth. these cities accommodate only a little more than 10 per cent of region’s total urban population. The bulk of the region’s total urban residents’ lives in the rapidly growing small and medium-sized cities where much of the region’s urban transformation is unfolding. In Surabaya especially in Morokrembangan population rapidly increased time after time because of urbanization and high birth rate in that area.

The house as a place to live is one of the basic human needs besides clothing and food. Every human being needs a house for shelter and as a gathering place for family activities to take place, as well as a means of investment. Increasing in population growth means denser and area are. That’s why people need to invest in a certain new way to live. What if people settlement floats?

Located in Morokrembangan reservoir, Ambang is a floating settlement and recreational center based on morokrembangan reservoir. The uses and concept of this building are based on the way people needs nature to live and survive, and building needs space and place to be built. Ambang become a new concept of settlement in rural and crowded spaces, built on water, floating market, and communal water park become its unique style of a new way for mass building to be built.

Ambang have potential to be a new recreational center in North Surabaya because of the way Ambang utilize potential of reservoir and develop it into new gathering and outdoor park on the water. Beside that potential, Ambang has rooms for people who want to relocate to better living space without the hassle of crowded spaces, including single person, small

Market Train: Circulation as the Main Link for Basic Needs

Tsabita Karlina Hidayati — 08111840000039

Market Train: Circulation as the Main Link for Basic Needs is the name of the design project this time. A building with residences, public space, and a market is the subject of this design project. The three activities are merged into a circulation that serves as the hub for all of the activities. This circulation’s function is not limited to a single function, but rather encompasses several.

According to Richard Hills, the goal, function, and usage have an aesthetic influence both in terms of building typology and user experience, as stated in the book introduction of architecture chapter 6 (function and form). Meanwhile, Bernard Tschumi and Peter Eisenman argue that form takes precedence over function. Because the functions in the building move dynamically, it turns out that functions are not always derived from a building shape. Finally, what if a circulation has a different role, causing its form to change?

In light of the current circumstances, where a pandemic has altered various types of activity, spatial functions, and so on. Circulation serves as a link between the two spaces and activities, serving as a connecting space that meets needs as well as the major path in activities. The circulation of the building, which is the core of the structure, is depicted in the graphic below. The solution to the current pandemic problem is to create a market that can visit every residence without having to interact with other humans. The building’s concept is presented by following the circulation pattern, and the circulation is displayed by having multifunctional land use properties.

Circulation, which is typically utilized primarily for passing vehicles or people, is now used as a link between buildings and market circulation to suit the needs of local residents in this design. Furthermore, by not limiting the circulation to the bottom floor, the circulation can be used as an open space for the neighboring neighborhood to gather.

