
Muhammad Firsta Ashfahani
Published in
10 min readDec 28, 2021

Context & Building : Liveable Community


Zhafirah Ramadhani | 08111840000026

The micro library and public area are the result of the architectural design process in semester 7. At present, the public and students have less interest in reading media. Whereas what can be seen is that learning media by reading really provides a lot of knowledge and information. Many areas lack educational facilities, reading can help provide knowledge. Even today, reading media is not presented only from books, but also from digital media. Realizing an education-friendly city in urban areas is not easy, because not every area has facilities that can support this situation. However, the Surabaya city government wants to realize and mobilize to provide reading garden facilities and mobile libraries for the wider community. A public space can be used as a means of learning, discussing and gathering. That way, it can provide facilities for children, students, the community to easily gain more insight with reading media. By presenting reading room buildings and public spaces, of course, it will facilitate the community in finding information, besides being able to gather and discuss in these areas. The community is very large and diverse in the designed buildings and public areas are provided for gathering, playing, discussing, and carrying out other activities. While on the second floor which is focused on the reading area or library.


Almira Tara Mahsa | 08111840000042

Based on the theory of Jane Jacobs in her writings entitled From the Death and Life of the Great American Cities, that the ‘Life’ and ‘Death’ of a city is determined by the life of the community in it. A dead city is not only an uninhabited city, but also a city whose community is not alive. A non-living community usually contains individualists who are busy in their own world. Therefore, the importance of social life in a city can affect its ‘life’ because the city is not only for luxury and aesthetics but is intended for the people in it. A school is a place that accommodates various kinds of communities in a city. Schools can also unite two opposing communities so that they can complement each other. The school area can also be used for various activities, not only learning activities, but also as a place that can lead to joint activities among members of the community. Therefore, the presence of a school in the area with an individualist community and a socialist community can help realize the life of the entire community in the city.


Muhammad Firsta Ashfahani | 08111840000058

The Treehouse is the result of speculation “what if the buildings and infrastructure from the start did not damaging the nature.” Speculation departs from the theory of context & building, where it is explained that context is something that can affect the final form of a building. The theory is finally brought into the realm of speculative where the object of experimentation is to look at the context of the infrastructure and nature of the city of Surabaya; where in this context it can be seen how massive infrastructure is being built to accommodate the activities of urban communities, but at the same time the infrastructure that being built also destroys the existing nature.

By looking at the context of the object of experimentation, as well as still being supported by the theory that will later be implemented, this speculation arises. After getting the speculation, the next step to take is context analysis, where the city of Surabaya is the context for this design. The analysis carried out is an analysis of the nature of the city of Surabaya and also an analysis of the development of the people of the city of Surabaya. According to the data, the people of Surabaya City always increase significantly every year. This causes problems with the container to shelter the community, therefore by looking at this problem finally the main function of the design object is chosen as social housing. This defined function can finally be combined with the theory of Jane Jacobs, where it is stated by Jacobs that community interaction is the main thing in a building. In order to realize the speculations that have been set at the beginning, a precedent analysis is finally carried out on the functions and aspects of speculation. There is a statement in one of the precedents that buildings using pilotis or columns as the main foundation of buildings can reduce the impact on nature significantly compared to foundations in general which have to dig deeper and destroy nature. This statement finally encourages the shape of the design object to use pilotis as the main foundation.

The next concept that is implemented is the use of a modular concept for each unit in the design object, where later each unit available in the design object is a modular unit and the installation is just stacked like a lego. This modular unit frees the user to assign partitions to the interior of the unit. It can also reduce the impact on nature. The next concept is the provision of tenants and public space in the middle area of the design object, the placement is intended to realize Jane Jacobs’ own theory, where it is hoped that by providing tenants and public space in the middle area of the design object, it can encourage and accommodate user interactions later.


Muhammad Daffa Almadani | 08111840000075

Needs in urban design always meet new demands along with the times and technological advances. When a designer is faced with a case study of a city, he cannot necessarily design only through one eye from the designer’s point of view, but also fulfills the needs of the urban community who are directly affected by his design, therefore an idealistic step is not realistic in realizing a project. city planning. From this issue, the author tries to highlight one of the urban design figures, namely Jane Jacobs in her book entitled: The Life and Death of Great American Cities, presenting new principles in designing cities that encourage the vitality of the city, and how a city is formed from the relationship between the people. Finally, these principles are used as issues to be raised in the design, by not forgetting the main topics in the design, namely experimental and speculation, then speculation is made based on the issues and backgrounds that have been formed, namely: What if in the next few years, the City of Surabaya will implement an intermodal transportation system that can be interconnected with existing public transportation, and also how a transportation hub can become a meeting place for city communities to support the issues raised. Meanwhile, the proposed object is divided into 3 masses, namely transportation hub, park and ride, and plaza for community interaction, then to support the concept of speculation raised, the adaptive architecture theory is carried out because it is related to the sustainability and durability of buildings for a long period of time. long term, by prioritizing universal design and selecting structures and materials that are durable for a long period of time. Then proceed with factor analysis, legality, and determination of design criteria as crucial factors that affect the shape of the design object which ultimately results in the final design proposal.


Ariannisa Rihana | 08111840000082

Livable community is where people could interact each other, or where they can feel free about themselves and they feel safe about themselves. Whether its because the pedestrian way or the public realm itself, livable community can produce emotional feelings to the visitors or maybe give a little attached feeling toward the place, or we call it as sense of place.

Surabaya, as a big city, has a large population. According to the problems of a metropolitan city which are synonymous to crowded and depressed, this time stress appears as a consequence that cannot be avoided, but can be faced. Urban pressure is born from the activities we do every day such as doing assignments, relationships with colleagues, population density, traffic jams to lifestyle.

Architecture can always play a role in any domains and architecture is always associated with any domains. Whether its psychology, philosophy, science, technology, etc. Architecture is able to provide a place that produces senses. Where people commute and feel the spatial experience when they enter the place, on this project, we call it as healing space, to relax and relief their stress.

They are here to meet, socialize, and free their mind as they leave behind the thoughts of stressful life when they enter the healing space as the interpretation of livable community.


Friska Nofitadewi| 08111840000087

Jane Jacobs, from her book “The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961)” :

The view of “Cities are for people” as the basis for designing a city by paying attention to the comfort and functional side of the people in it. The life of the community and the community in the city is a factor in the development of social and economic aspects.

The site is located in the Kertajaya area, East Surabaya; where this area is a residential area and a commercial area combined into one. The people there who seem individualistic make the area feel less alive. This area can still be developed by creating a livable city with a living community as a tool.

Context and Speculation:

  1. What if there is a gathering place in a residential area that seems individualistic? A place is needed to facilitate community interaction and activities.
  2. What if culinary is the reason to be able to unite the community? Culinary places as the main topic that can trigger interaction in the community.

The purpose of designing a Culinary Center is for regional development (designing a place to concentrate and accommodate food traders/sellers as a culinary center), animate the community around the area to make the city more lively, and become a place to gather, interact, and have activities for sellers, buyers, visitors, as well as the surrounding community which is equipped with various facilities. Culinary and the place where it is sold will be a topic that can trigger interaction between communities, coupled with the provision of a dining area to eat the culinary and the arrangement of outdoor spaces that can also facilitate community activities.


Averina Ayshia Annisa| 08111840000091

In 2000, the world’s population was slightly more than 6 billion. Existing cities will be transformed and new cities and towns will emerge. For architects, urban planners, and designers some challenges and responses will be new, while others will have historical precedents. Europe experienced vast social, economic, technological, and political changes as a consequence of the first and second World Wars. Architecture and urban design were not exempt. Many European cities including Asian Pacific , suffered major destruction during WWII, which resulted in widespread homelessness. Jane Jacobs, excerpts from the death and life of great american cities. Urban renewal proposed by Robert Moses and his view based on “Cities are for traffic” Jane Jacob saw the principles that city planning as wrong and harm to cities. “Cities are for people” as her proposed view for the newer version of it. The
writer of the book (Jane Jacobs) traveled to Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago and wrote “The Death and Life of Grate American Cities” based on her claim perceptions within the cities. In the other hand, The “Radiant City” designed in the 1920s by Le Corbusier, one of the most influential architects of Modernism, will become a linear and orderly metropolis in the future. This is an ambitious plan, not only for a more reasonable urban environment, but also for deep social reform.

While also Tom Schumacher explains the theory of “contextualism” as the reconciliation of modern urbanism with ancient, traditional cities as an alternative to the destruction of some areas of downtown cities. Although it is somewhat arbitrary to divide the urban form into two types, the city of the 20th century is an unfortunate combination of traditional cities and various misunderstandings of Ville Radieuse. The problems of the city can be solved not only through architecture and urban design, but also through social and economic aspects. Coming from this three theory, this design was intended
to create such design based on Jane Jacobs theory “Cities are for people” in this case, the building itself has the responsibility to enhance the people mental health well-being through an art as a medium that will eventually provides healing space in the form of an art galleries as an escape place for the urban stress.

In this PA 5 studio design work entitled Surabaya Art Galleries where in this design the design focuses more on spatial quality where this departs from the problem of urban life in Surabaya, which is predicted to increase in the next few years. To prevent this which will have an impact on the mental health of the people who live or take shelter in the city of Surabaya, a healing space is created in the form of an art gallery. The art gallery presented is expected to be able to contribute as a healing medium through the artworks and spatial forms that are presented. If viewed from the building form of this design, it can be concluded that this design is a design that is oriented towards Late-Modern architecture.

