
Annisa Nur Ramadani
Published in
10 min readJan 28, 2021

Summarecon Co — Working and Wellness Center

by Syefira Annisa Putri

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or known as Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a virus originating from China that can be transmitted through droplets of saliva or air circulation, so that it can cause infection in the human respiratory system. This virus entered Indonesia since February 2020, until the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (LSSR) where people are asked to stay at home, follow protocols, social distancing, and have a healthy lifestyle. But the application of LSSR over a long period of time affects human space, mobility and psychology. The limitation of mobility during a pandemic causes people to get used to activities at home and stay healthy, this is very difficult for people with middle-to-low economies because the facilities for exercising at home are inadequate. In addition to work and study, the lack of safe facilities for meetings or working in groups during the pandemic. Activities carried out at home continuously will affect psychologically of the community so that it can cause boredom to stress, so that many people do not care and not follow protocol when leaving the house, while there is a possibility that they will get Corona without symptoms which is dangerous because they unwittingly spread the virus to other people. So from this statement, the question arises “If in the next 5 years Corona goes out of control because of people’s ignorance, what if architecture only works for several people who cares about COVID — 19?”. So based on the main issue of healthy public facilities in a densely populated environment, the architectural response presented is the Co-working and Wellness Center in Bekasi City. The object of this design is a sports center based on sports activities that are often carried out by the community during a pandemic using a biophilic approach of architecture and research for design methods to get the right mass shape and space program based on the need for sunlight. The object of this design is expected to accommodate sports activities and the need for safe and comfortable work and meeting spaces with the application of social distancing in building objects to minimize the spread of covid-19, besides that it can make it a refreshing place so that it can reduce stress levels in the community due to the COVID — 19’s pandemic.

Sports & Recreation Centre : Vertical Jogging & Cycling Track

by Fitra Rachma Saphira

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or commonly spread by coronavirus. The disease has spread almost all over the world and is classified as a pandemic. The spread eventually influenced the way human life became new. If the Covid-19 Vaccine has not been found in the next 5 years, to prevent the spread more widely, people are required to increase immunity and avoid conditions of high risk of transmission such as going to crowded places and so on. Improving immunity can be done by regular exercise, getting adequate exposure to sunlight and oxygen and socializing with people nearby. In densely populated settlements are very vulnerable to becoming a place of transmission of diseases including corona. This is due to its dense population, poor facilities, and poor environmental quality including polluted air. In addition, during this pandemic, this dense residential area close to commercial buildings is filled with delivery activities that increase dramatically. Then the question arises if pedestrian and bicycle walking spaces are getting denser as the demands of a healthier life are improving the immune system (sports with sufficient sun exposure and clean air from pollution), How can architecture provide healthy living opportunities to people living in lower-middle-class dense settlements whose facilities are inadequate and the surrounding air quality is poor? With such speculative conditions, design considerations arise in order to answer the question. Therefore, new innovations in public facilities in speculative conditions require literature and data information that can help in conducting experimentation on design. The experimental method used is by exploring the form to realize the concept of jogging and cycling room expansion in accordance with the regulations and existing conditions of the site and applying the concept of being in the “outdoor” but protected from pollution. The function of the building is designed as a Sports and Recreation Center with jogging and cycling tracks surrounding it. The shapes presented were based on three experiments for overall shape, ramp size, and spatial quality. In its design, the approach used is Biophilic approach (Direct Experience of Nature, Naturalistics Shape & Pattern, Natural Material & Colors, Transistional Space). With these four approaches help realize a sports and recreation center building that can improve the immune of its users.

Hyperlocal Market and Amphitheater

by Annisa Nur Ramadani

The Covid-19 pandemic has become a hot topic this year. With cases that have reached 41 million to date, efforts are being made by professionals to find solutions in solving this pandemic. Vaccines are one hope to reduce the increasing chart professionally. But speculation arises What if the vaccine manufacturing process does not find a bright spot in the next 5 years? And what about the fate of public facilities, especially in the neighborhood at the residence? By conducting experiments related to architectural attributes, an architectural design is carried out in a pandemic condition in the future. If you look at one of the architectural considerations during a pandemic, there is one condition that is set on which is people flow. This point is one of the crucial things in a crisis carried out during a pandemic. This architectural design uses an approach based on the people flow with the narrative method, where the designer speculates on the scenario that will occur to the users of this building. The building is focused on the micro-market and the amphitheater in addition to the program. This aims to bring the center of human needs closer to where they live. In order to come up with the ideal setting during a pandemic, designers experimented with the dimensions, plot, arrangements, and proximity in these buildings. Ultimately, this design resulted in a local micro-market with an amphitheater in addition to a jogging track to support local residents in behaving healthily.

Ruang Olahraga Sehat Kemang Pratama

by Rahmania Indri Adhyaksa

Ever since the deadly virus — widely known as Corona Virus or COVID-19 — entered our life, our lives changed forever. It alters the way we see all things normal and creates an alternate reality. The overgrowing pandemic made us adapt to public spaces differently, even getting creative with whatever’s near to make things work. Starting from self-protection to social distancing, people have been getting themselves comfortable with this unfamiliar occurrence. But while we adjusted to new normal now, what’s going to happen in 5 years? Will the world heal? What if we stuck in the loophole of lockdowns and social distancing and we had to make the alternate our actual reality? With architectural elements being explored, a design can be birthed out to reconstruct the public spaces. With an approach of how people perceive an architecture, this design should give people a sense on how to react to the elements. And with an optical illusion brought to the table, the design lay out the hints for users to crack open. The design focuses on how to create a space for people to comfortably do sports, and fully cooperate with standard health protocols using the theory of affordance and anamorphosis illusions, with green space besides the sports hall. This results to a functional able-perceived building design for a better well-being of the users during the worldwide pandemic.

Rawa Buntu Station, Reimagined

by Isyana Gita Prameswari

Residents of big cities have become somewhat dependent on public transportation to avoid traffic when traveling across the city. The use of public transportation is also encouraged in an effort to overcome common big city problems such as traffic congestion, air pollution, and noise pollution in order to create a healthier urban environment. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has spread fear amongst commuters to use public transportation as it is very closely related to bustle and crowd, which in the midst of this pandemic, are something that is very much avoided. The decrease in the use of public transportation and the increase in the use of private-owned vehicles during this pandemic will be counterproductive to our efforts in creating a healthier urban environment. Thus, a speculation arose, in the next 5 years, will public transportation be abandoned and vanished completely from city life? To ensure commuters and encourage them to go back to the use of public transportation, their physical and psychological comfort must be fulfilled. So how can the physical and psychological comfort of the commuters be fulfilled? physical comfort can be attained when their needs to physically-distance from one another is fulfilled, while psychological comfort can be attained by providing a sense of comfort for the commuters in the midst of this pandemic. The illusion of a busy atmosphere, with the help of sound and shadow, is used to bring back the “bustle and crowd” of a busy train station, which is used to limit the circulation and distance between commuters as they move through the train station. The presence of a busy atmosphere that doesn’t actually cause crowding, is also used to provide a sense of comfort for the commuters when the train station that was once filled with bustle and crowd suddenly lost its life. The busy atmosphere is intensified through sound, in which acoustic faults commonly found in an auditorium design are applied to amplify background noises, such as footsteps and chatters, by causing echoes and sound concentration. The busy atmosphere is also intensified through shadow play and color transfer in the shadows reflected by the sun. The presence of a busy atmosphere as a barrier to create distance in between commuters as well as a provider of a sense of comfort, is used to fulfill the physical and psychological comfort of commuters in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

FOODEMIC (FoodCourt during Pandemic)

by Herdian Indra Iswara

At this time there is a pandemic that has hit the world called covid-19, the impact given by this pandemic is the impact on various sectors. Many people lose their jobs, and because of that their stress builds up. Therefore, it requires a place to accommodate buying and selling and recreational activities, as well as a place to carry out healthy activities and remain in compliance with health protocols. So as to create a place that will help people who are affected both economically and mentally, and as an iconic place in the area. Therefore designed a place that supports the health protocol both from the shape, sign and also the system that is in the design. It is hoped that this design will later answer the problems that exist in the surrounding environment, which is a densely residential environment, both village and residential areas around, so that this place has the potential to bring these two communities together. In the end, it is hoped that this design will make those around them healthy, both physically and mentally and also make them feel like eating on the spot, which of course uses health protocols. So with this the design becomes a place that brings the two strata of society together and also allows them to have fun.

Echo: Acoustic Defined Seniors’ Community Center

by Ferdy Yohanes Panjaitan

The aging process is a natural process that has a big effect on the quality of life of the elderly. One of them are sociological changes in the form of lack of contact, a condition in which the elderly are unable to interact with others around them which force them to lessen their contact with people around them, one of the reason such a thing is faced by lots of elders in urban area is related to their cognitive skill which also weakened as they grow older. When this social phenomenon linked with the widespread of a deadly virus known as Covid-19, social isolation of the elderly in Medan is also generally caused by the fear of public spaces and the stigma of elderly people whose immune system has decreased drastically. This design seeks to solve the problem of ‘lack of contact’ of the elderly by providing a space where they can feel safe to interact in a healthy space so their psychological and physical health can be achieved by create a new element in a form of sound as social distancing symbol. By using the Biophilic approach, the design will generally focus on make an intense interaction between users and nature aspects in the building. The design object is a Community Center, this place offers facilities, activities and programs that the elderly can collectively participate in, which of course still based on the prevailing local health protocol.

