
Published in
15 min readDec 28, 2021

Peter Einsenman x Bernard Tschumi : A Collaboration Design Method

Mufti Hasan Albanna | NRP.08111840000003

Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi are two architects who have architectural thoughts and theories that can be said to be very contradictory on the one hand Eisenman puts forward form in designing and even argues that “an architectural form can precede function, is not bound by function and can even also represent other things besides function” which is in stark contrast to the opinion of Tschumi who said that “There is no architecture without program, without action, without event. Archi- tecture never autonomous, pure form, similarly”. In his design, Eisenman always leaves everything outside of architecture, be it political, social or cultural and focuses on the form of architecture itself. That architecture should focus on architecture interiority or the architectural domain itself (autonomus discource) and as much as possible take advantage of prayer. architecture itself Eisenman calls it an anteriority diagram, Anteriority is the culmination of architectural science, there are 2 other diagrams namely Interiority and Exteriority. Meanwhile, Tschumi argues that ‘Design the condition is not
conditioning the design’. According to Tschumi, architecture consists of space, event, and movement. and there are event phenomena in the form of cross-programing, trans-programing, and dis-programing. It is these differences of thought that we try to examine and combine in the design of PA 5, this time finding common ground between the two so that it will lead to speculation in processing the design. The square is one of the elements that cannot be separated from the city, the function of the square becomes very diverse because the square is a public building that anyone can use and access, the public is busy using the square as a place to live. gathering, exercising, sitting around etc. A traveler is a person who is on a long journey from one place to another and sometimes really needs space to spend the night because it is not cheap so sometimes he needs a place that is as economical as possible, because the square is a public space that is owned by anyone what if the square accommodates This need, with a design that departs based on a merger between the theories of Eiseman and Tschumi, this square will still be owned by anyone and does not show that it will take sides with a particular group of people. Departing from Eisenman’s theory, an architectural form can precede the function of this design, trying to program space through algorithms in finding the form, with Tschumi’s theoretical approach “Cross Programming” which is the merging of 2 different spatial functions, namely the division of space based on the time of use which will be programmed afterwards. In looking for the basic geometry of the design, the designer tried to pay attention to activities in public buildings and found that jogging is an
activity that is often done in public spaces, the basic principles of geometry also follow the movement of people running, where a looping pattern is found, this looping is the basis geometry. After exploring many areas of geometry and finding the final result of the shape, the next step is to enter a space program and adjust it to space needs, when a shape cannot fulfill certain spatial activities, further exploration is carried out. At the end of the concept design that was conveyed, namely the integration between the running track, namely the public room and the bedroom which is the
realm of privacy, both of these are limited by layering the activity time so that it can be well integrated.

LANDMARK ISN’T? An Identity’s Analogy
Muhammad Bintang Nabilunnuha | NRP.08111840000004

Questioning again, the theory is tried to be analyzed and criticized in order to become the basis in an effort to put forward speculative architectural ideas. The theory used was put forward by two architectural figures, namely Peter Einsenman and Bernard Tschumi. Peter Einsenman talks about autonomous architecture. Where Architecture has the intention to explore from within its domain, by prioritizing form over function. In his design method, Peter Einsenman performs “complex doubling of repetition” which is shown in his design diagram. This action can be understood as re-iteration in layers and iteratively. Einsenman does not use techniques to separate form from function, but he has the principle that architecture should focus on its own domain, this leads to the view that in doing design, his work feels designed without context.

Bernard Tschumi talks about his disagreement with the principle of form follow function, where programming has the intention of coming first rather than form in a design. In the book, he also tries to criticize the programming phenomena that occur which further strengthens his argument that a design function does not represent its form. This is related to the phenomenon of cross programming, trans programming, and deprogramming, where an activity can continue even though the space is not designated for a particular function.

Adhering to the two theories presented by Peter Einsenman and Bernard Tschumi, where these two figures have contradictions in their design methods, a speculative point of departure emerges, namely trying to combine the two ideas in a design method to produce an architectural work, without violating both methods. design it. In an effort to combine the two design methods, our class tries to analyse the point where the design methods of Peter Einsenman and Bernard Tschumi meet. In Park De La Vilette, which is a project designed by Bernard Tschumi, one of the interesting things is the presence of follies at certain points. The existence of follies as objects becomes an “attract attention”, events that occur are also unpredictable because in fact users use follies in various ways.

Departing from the idea of ​​trying to answer the speculation that was raised, the step I took was to try contextualizing the concept. The concept of a landmark that has the intention of presenting form as “attract attention” becomes the starting point in designing the condition by presenting programs or phenomena around it. The landmark of a city or area has a role as an identity that is able to represent the area.

For the building program presented, it tries to find a meeting point between the needs of the surrounding community and tourists. The design has a program as a performance stage with several other supporting facilities such as galleries, souvenir centres, and food courts. The design method used is using the architectural analogy method with two objects whose analogies are fishing boats and ocean waves, which are considered to be the main identity of this area.

RAMPAI : Dekonstruksi Eisenman & Tschumi

Lusilowati Siti Mundiroh | NRP.08111840000017

Peter Eisenman’s deconstruction seeks to detach form from the relationships necessary for function, meaning and aesthetics, without at the same time denying the existence of these conditions. According to Eisenman, there is no architectural form without function, but an architectural form can precede
function, is not bound by function and can even represent other things besides function. This has an impact on the formal or architectural design form which is formed from the results of algorithm operations with formal and conceptual tools in the form of diagrams which are divided into diagrams of interiority
and diagrams of exteriority. Not much different from Eisenman, Bernard Tschumi also adheres to the school of deconstruction, arguing that architecture is to design a condition, not to condition a design. Tschumi tries to detach architecture from things that are outside it by focusing on 3 aspects, space, event, and movement. Programmatics is a tool used by Tschumi to achieve cross programming phenomena. Transprogramming, and Disprogramming in the big umbrella of Disjunction. Starting from 2
understandings of deconstruction, Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi raises a question, how will the architectural form if the two ideas are used in the same design project? What if architecture tries to accommodate and scenario the disjunction phenomenon that has occurred in relation to residential and office programs using Eisenman’s formal approach and Tschumi’s programmatic approach? How does Architecture condition the Transprogramming phenomenon but prevent the Disprogramming
phenomenon of two programs?

SENG-HIE UNDERGROUND: Unexpected Fusion the Paradigm of Theories

Nabil Almatin | NRP.08111840000020

Architectural and Experimental are two domains that lead the designer to deal with speculative conditions. brings various statements and all kinds of possibilities to Architectural issues. The theories that are used as design methods by Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi. The theory used by Peter Eisenman in processing forms or formal analysis. Eisenman gradually reconstructs the building based solely on the principles of formal organization and treats the building as a formal system under the influence of reconfiguring external and internal vectors. Meanwhile, Bernard Tschumi, in his book “Architecture and Disjunction” argues that there is no architecture without programs, actions, and events. In Tschumi’s understanding of “Disjunction”, the separation between space and events is a characteristic of the conditions that are desired to design conditions.

From the idea to combine two different thinking paradigms between the understanding of the Eisenman method and the understanding of Tschumi’s design, then try to direct this statement towards a theory and anotherstatement, that is : “What if there is a reconfiguration process for a condition (Meaningless Form embodiment of formal analysis) in which programs and activities are placed in various non linear/ spreaded ways, thus allowing for different movements in the transition space settings of the two areas.” By addressing the existence of a context that adapts to the phenomenon of disjunction and the potential for transitional space, a site was chosen where the space is a transitional space between a riverbank and an old city area. There it was found the existence of a building that has been functioning for a long time and is now about to change its function, therefore an attempt is made to reconfigure existing spaces and forms, based on existing architectural and activity information data, to reread new phenomena and to permute forms. with the available space & landscape variables in the form of layering transformations between the dock area — exhibition — and rest area.

Play-’Ground’ : When kids need a playgorund in the massive building

Dika Octaviani | NRP.08111840000051

It is believed that in the future, Pekanbaru City will be dominated by shophouses and public spaces will change become a shop building area. If in the future there is only shophouses, while humans will still need public space to get together and play. What if the shophouses there will be converted into a playground and public space for the community.

Changing the shophouse into a new form is the one of an adaptive reuse design. When the configuration of a building is changed be a very different configuration from its initial spatial configuration, then this is the diss-programming phenomenon described by Tschumi.

Not only about new program, the shape of the masses demanded can only be explored by using the algorithm of Peter Eisenmen. So the first thing to do is to process shape into a new form by applying the Eisenmen framework against the form, then the form that appears will identify the potential of the program space by applying the framework of Bernard Tschumi.

At the site, the presence of ground consists of two ground as distinguished by elevation. In the process design, it requires volumetric exploration to find how to access the top ground and bottom ground. The two must be connected to each other.

Not only that, the presence of the outer space in the shop eventually diss-programming will occur on the building because the activities of the shop are still maintained. In this case, in order to maintain programs and buildings, a strategy is needed adaptive reuse in buildings.

TAKOGU : When Green Among Us

Anira Indra Mahira | NRP.08111840000061

Takogu is a foodcourt area as well as a green park in the midst of the hustle and bustle on Jl. Dharmawangsa. It has an open area concept so that visitors are free to enjoy their dishes anywhere. Takogu has an indoor area as well as a semi-indoor area for dining. Visitors are also free to picnic in the available field.

Takogu is the result of the experiments of two experimental architects who contradict each other, Bernard Tschumi and Peter Eisenman. Tschumi who always thinks about spatial aspects regardless of form collaborates with Eisenman who doesn’t think about spatial at all in the design process. The resulting speculative theory is Tschumi’s Designing the Condition which is applied to forms, such as Eisenman’s principle that form does not represent function.

Designing the Condition that we want to present is to collect users from all building functions around the site, namely, campuses, hospitals, sports fields, and local dense settlements. The manifestation of the created speculative theory is shelter. Shelters are considered as one of the important factors especially in gathering individuals, because they can protect from rain and heat. But that doesn’t mean that both roofed and non-roofed spaces can’t gather individuals.

In addition to Tschumi and Eisenman’s theory, supporting theories are used, namely Affordance and Anthropometry. After reviewing, it is concluded that affordance is a catch and anthropometry is a body shape so that age group becomes an important aspect. Affordance is applied to several garden areas that have contours, while anthropometry determines the slope of the contour created.

The design process in PA 5 begins with a surface that is processed using SketchUp’s Sandbox and then stretched up and down, with several sizes. From these various sizes, a contour can then be created to form a space.

Traces of The Past, Gesture of Tomorrow

Adinda Saraswati Cahyaning Wulan Suci | NRP.08111840000083

How could the juxtaposition of past and future influence everyday lives in constructive and enjoyable manner? — Eisenman places post-functionalism as a theoretical basis that places geometry and spatial functions that do not represent each other. This aims to make the architectural reality look intact without any abstraction behind it so as to produce architectural expressions that provide a variety of imaginative experiences for everyone who sees it.
Started from the context of the location in Gresik, East Java, the site is a former meeting building that has not been used for a long time. Many people in Gresik do not agree that the redevelopment of the building was due to Gedung Nasional Indonesia (GNI) being part of the heritage (having a fairly old age of 61 years). The new GNI building is planned to be converted as a Media Center, which is useful for gathering information and communication for society. But some people want GNI used as an art space because there is no place for art activists in Gresik, and some also want a coworking space. From this issue it was found what if the three different functions were combined and packaged while maintaining the authenticity of the old building.

Commercial & Library Kota Tua

Devin Rianto Hazman | NRP.08111840000084

In this experimental design, designers trying to combine the relationship between two architects whom by accident using the disjunction method, namely Peter Eisenmann and Bernard Tschumi, where the two architects have contradictory theories. Eisenmann focuses more on the formal aspect, in forming the form using its own algorithm formula with formatting tools, equipped with also with Interiority, Eksteority, and Antheority diagrams. Meanwhile, Tschumi focuses more on programmatic. Three main aspects used are space, event, and movement. From these three aspects will give rise to a phenomenon which has a not in accordance with its function so it is called Crossprogramming, transprogramming, and programming. From the two theories of this architect will raises a new speculation and view so that it raises unprecedented manifestation.

The city of Jakarta as a megapolitan city has undergone several transformations and changes. The incessant development of various sectors has changed the face of the city of Jakarta to become a more integrated and futuristic city from time to time. However, behind Jakarta’s global transformation, Jakarta’s Kota Tua area still holds on to its past style.

The cultural heritage area of the Kota Tua Fatahillah, Jakarta, has urban heritage characteristics, where the architectural style of the building is colonial. Judging from the functions and activities of the Fatahillah area, it is considered a historical & tourist center. Which is where the activities are still diverse to be diverse.

In the explanation of the explanation of the previous context in Kota Tua, a speculative appeared. What if a new object is created where the form is based on the existing Kota Tua building which was adapted according to formal and Eisenmann concept tools? so maybe the shape of the object will conflict with the existing buildings around it. The method used uses a post functionalis which contains a “contradiction of complexity” in processing forms and “consuming the space” in processing programming

Ya Tuhan, Tunjukkan Kami Jalan yang Benar!”

Itsar Rayhan Kafka | NRP.08111840000088

This academic project embraces two of the most autonomous theoretical bases, Eisenman’s formal analysis and Tschumi’s programmatic principle. Questioning on how could these theories possibly collaborate and set the bar to drive the project, designer investigated several characteristics and attributes of both theories, then look for the midpoint or intersection where the methods extracted from the two theories have linearity so that in the design there will be no dominance between them. The designer’s investigation resulted in an object that has the potential to conduct both methods/theories optimally, namely the follies designed by Tschumi for the Parc de la Villette. Broadly speaking, these eccentric buildings have characteristics that are very suitable when designed using the formal principles proposed by Eisenman and the programmatic principles proposed by Tschumi, seen from how their extravagant forms are able to conduct a variety of activities and contexts. Thus, a sub-question is created from the speculations that have been put forward at the beginning, which, is it true that follies as transitional landscape elements are in line and can be optimally designed using the principles of the two architects? The massive number of buildings requires a system that will justify its presence, in which what the designer embeds in this project is a directory system that will help users to be oriented to the context of the site.

The site chosen for this design is a cemetery located in the South Jakarta area where the vast area and density of figures will create disorientation for anyone who comes. The buildings will be placed on the site according to a grid system at 50-meter intervals where users can later use these buildings as a way-finding element to the desired destination. Each building also functions as an activity point where existing programs on the site will be injected into the design. To design the 73 buildings without having the same characteristics, the cross-reference method was used or in other words, crossed two formal attributes to create new compositions. attributes that are mixed and matched are divided into two, namely the founding forms or basic forms which extruded from grid sizes of 4x4, 8x8, and 16x16, while the second attribute is formal operations. with the grid that has been embedded in the site as a cross table, 10 basic shapes are aligned as transverse attributes while 8 formal operations are arranged downwards as longitudinal attributes, ready to be crossed. when cross-reference is carried out, each formal operation will manipulate each basic form to create forms whose formal characteristics differ from one another.

LAGUNA VILLAGE : Collaborative Space Market and Gym Center

Fachrizal Sabilineo Fanaya | NRP.08111840000090

The era of globalization is increasingly felt by one of the increasing social mobility. The increased mobility of society called for efficiency, flexibility, and cohesion. One phenomenon of social activity often involves sports and shopping, where two activities are often performed even daily. The public wants to shop while exercising while walking, but as for the society exercising while shopping primarily for necessities. Unwittingly, the two activities may be related to one another.

Then came the idea to merge the two activities into one object that can be done together. Looking at the context of one apartment came an idea of how the module of one apartment was broken down and reassembled at random. Thus it was unwittingly that the realignment of the apartment module formed into a village that was not a settlement or living but a village that became a market and a sport center.




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