Quirky Little Penthouse in Zejtun, Malta

Lydia Barbara
Curbsy — Dream Homes
2 min readFeb 5, 2021

At Curbsy, we add new properties almost every day. As an unrepentant property viewing addict, I find myself daydreaming about living in each one as it comes through the door and we take it live.

One of the latest, a penthouse in Zejtun, Malta, ticks so many of my boxes.

Terrace around the Zejtun penthouse

This place is crazy looking, in a really good kind of way. It’s got fabulous views of the neighbouring town and the countryside, but with such solid walls around the terrace you won’t get the stomach-dropping experience you sometimes get in penthouses.

Another view of the terrace in the Zejtun penthouse

The terrace is big enough for both of my mad dogs to run around, as well as all the plants I’d stock it with. Plants grow like crazy in Malta, especially succulents, and I do hope the new owner of this home has pots all of its myriad corners and angles.

Another view of the terrace

Get this: the place has its own private lift entrance. Put your key in the lift on the ground floor for your own personal lift stop. Like you’re living in one of those hotel suites that we see in movies but that are too pricey for us lowly humans.

Floorplan for the Zejtun penthouse

Also, it’s small. The space outside is bigger than inside, so if you’re into tidy, minimalist living like I am, it’s just perfect. And with all these windows, you’ll get natural light from sunup to sundown.

Finally, it’s just €290,000. You can’t often find penthouses under 300k in Malta. See more photos and book your private viewing (we can do this using video for any overseas buyers) on our website here.



Lydia Barbara
Curbsy — Dream Homes

Curbsy CEO. We’re building super-smart software for real estate, with our first agency live in Malta. curbsy.com.mt.