Introducing CURE

Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2021

CURE is a cryptocurrency that cures the believer and punishes the deserter. The CURE project aims to maintain constant growth in the liquidity pool. It will motivate community consensus. If a participant refuses community consensus, then the punishment will fall upon him. In a community governance project, the existence of a speculator is an unstable factor. CURE welcomes stable investors rather than speculators. In CURE, punishment transfers to reward, because the amount allocated through punishing the speculator will be used to reward investors. This action will motivate more participants to be part of the CURE community.

Punishment is Also Reward

CURE is a project that rewards investors and punishes speculators. Each CURE community member shall obey the restrictions of the CURE contract.

1. Each community member can trade CURE tokens whenever they want. It is a free market after all.

2. The best way to obtain CURE tokens is through liquidity mining, which is also the best way to gain profit. But there is no turning back for you once you start liquidity mining. If you wish to unstake, a certain amount of your LP token will be deducted. CURE contract will use those LP to add liquidity forever. This action will pump up liquidity volume. The contract is also the main power source that encourages people to join the CURE community.

Mandatory Community Consensus

We encourage each participating member to stake their pair and token in the farming pool. The contract shall reward those who provided liquidity with CURE tokens. But once you add liquidity, there will be a serious punishment if you unstake the liquidity. The contract will take a certain amount from your liquidity and put it into the liquidity pool. This contract is designed to build a mandatory community consensus. Forcing participants to be part of the community makes each community member build a mandatory community consensus. This consensus is much stronger than any other project, which means there will not be any individual beings. The community shall be united.

The Ever-Flowing Liquidity Pool

Once CURE always CURE. If you stake your token in CURE, there are no exits for you. The contract will block you from withdrawing your liquidity. The only way to make money back and profit are through liquidity farming.

The liquidity in the CURE liquidity pool will always rise, so does the CURE token price. We need more farmers and investors in CURE community. The liquidity added to the liquidity pool will be the reward for our hard-working farmers and investors.

Step to Obtain CURE

1. Swap your ETH for CURE on Uniswap.

2. Obtain CURE through liquidity farming. CURE encourages liquidity and TVL flow to CURE liquidity pool. If you are a liquidity provider, then the contract shall reward you with CURE token.

Extraordinary Tokenomic

Many people believe that if there is more liquidity added to the liquidity pool, the price of tokens will be stable. It is undeniable that the project with a big amount of liquidity will keep the price stable. That is the reason why we decided to have a liquidity pool that will always be flowing.

Safety as Priority

Open source code will be the CURE first move to guarantee each user’s safety. Everyone has the right to audit the contract code on Github.

After liquidity mining started, CURE will add 90 days liquidity lock on Uniswap. Once the liquidity is locked, liquidity will not go anywhere.

CURE contract will contain a 24 hours timelock, which means any action initiated from the dev team will be delayed and published for 24 hours.

Token Allocation

The entire amount of CURE tokens is 800K. There is no other way to create new tokens. Because of the contract buyback and burnt mechanism, the circulation of CURE will only decrease. CURE has no presale, no pre-mining, no foundations and it is entirely operated by community governance. 200K CURE tokens would be used to add initial liquidity, and the other 600K would be produced through liquidity mining. In the first 15 days, 20K tokens can be mined per day. Halve every 15 days.

The liquidity farming pool will produce an extra 1% CURE token to reward the team.

Truly Community Governance

CURE follows the principle of community governance. Community members are those who make decisions. The development of CURE will completely rely on community vote decisions. The CURE holders could vote on every single decision such as adding a new liquidity pool, removing a specific pool, and so on.




Cure Farm is a non-inflationary cryptocurrency that is designed to execute profit-generating strategies autonomously with a completely decentralized approach.