Have A Seat: 7 Essential Chair Yoga Poses You Need To Try Today

The .fit Way
Published in
6 min readApr 22, 2020

Right now, staying home and staying put is what we need to do. That said, working from home means we don’t have those walks to the water cooler or the conference room or even to borrow a stapler from a co-worker. Instead, it involves more hours on the phone or on video calls — which doesn’t leave you with much time (and/or energy) for a proper workout.

Working from home and self-isolating for extended periods of time can really affect your health and well-being. Long sedentary periods can slow digestion, decrease energy levels, lead to degeneration of muscles, cause sore backs and stiff necks and also increase anxiety — especially at a time like this. So, if work (or something else) is keeping you glued to your chair, make the most of it with some Chair Yoga!

Chair Yoga includes modified versions of stretches, twists and bends while retaining the basic body mechanics of the original poses. Apart from workaholics and TV binge-watchers, Chair Yoga is especially great for beginners, seniors and also individuals who have trouble practising traditional yoga due to health conditions, injuries or mobility issues. We’ve chosen seven Chair Yoga poses that make working (out) from home easy. All you have to do is follow the simple steps and breathing cues.

Precaution: Allow yourself to stretch to the point where you feel mild tension only — do not push yourself beyond.


This set of asanas helps you decrease muscle tightness and helps increase mobility. The shoulder rotation reduces the stress on the joint — making it less susceptible to inflammation. The ankle stretches help increase blood circulation.


Sit comfortably with palms resting on your thighs, keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed.

  • Inhale, and as you exhale, turn your head towards the right, bringing your ear close to your right shoulder
  • Inhale, turning your head back to the original pose
  • Repeat on the left side with the same breathing cues
  • Repeat for 10 rounds on each side


  • Next, place the palms on the shoulder cap, and start rotating the elbows clockwise
  • Repeat the same movement in an anticlockwise direction
  • Inhale as you stretch your arms forward, exhale and place palms back on shoulder caps
  • Complete 20 rounds clockwise and 20 anticlockwise


  • Stretch your arms forward, keeping them straight, and make a fist
  • Start rotating the wrist clockwise and then anticlockwise
  • Breath normally
  • Complete 20 rounds clockwise and 20 anticlockwise


  • Stretch your right leg forward, breathe normally and start rotating the ankle clockwise and then anticlockwise
  • Once done with the rotations, point your toes up and down to finish
  • Complete 20 rounds clockwise and 20 anticlockwise


This asana lengthens the abdominal, hip, and thigh muscles and stretches the muscles between the ribs, which improves flexibility in the spine and releases pain/tension.

Start by sitting in the centre of the chair with feet wide apart, toes pointing to the sides, knees and toes in line, chest up and shoulders relaxed.

  • Inhale, stretching the arms to the shoulder line
  • Exhale and bend to the left side with left hand reaching down and the right hand stretching up to the ceiling
  • Inhale and return to starting position
  • Exhale and switch sides
  • Do 10 rounds on each side


This asana increases spinal rotation and boosts blood flow to the discs. It builds strength and flexibility in the erector spinae muscles (the tiny muscles that support the spine).

Sit comfortably, facing forward with feet wide apart.

  • Place your left palm on your right thigh, slowly turn your chest towards your right and hold on to the backrest of your chair with your right hand
  • Inhale while facing forward and exhale as you twist
  • Hold each twist for 5 deep breaths before switching sides
  • Do 10 rounds on each side


A great movement to warm up the body and bring flexibility to the spine. It stretches the back, torso, and neck and softly stimulates and strengthens the abdominal organs and opens the chest, encouraging the breath to become slow and deep.

Sit towards the edge of the chair with chest up and palms resting on the thighs.

  • Keep your eyes open, your feet hip-width apart and your shoulders and neck relaxed
  • Inhale, stretch your chest up and arch your back
  • Exhale, round your back, tuck in your chin and look at your abdomen
  • Repeat for 10 rounds


An extremely useful asana that opens up the chest, tones back muscles, works on the abdominal organs & muscles, calms the mind, improves digestion and makes the spine flexible.

Sit straight, towards the edge of the chair with your chest up, and shoulders and neck relaxed

  • Inhale deeply
  • Exhale and bend forward as much as you can
  • Inhale again and return to starting position
  • Exhale and bend forward
  • Repeat for 7 rounds


This asana strengthens the abdominal muscles, hip flexors, and spine. It stimulates the kidneys, thyroid, prostate glands, and intestines and helps relieve stress and improve digestion.

Sit towards the edge of the chair with arms resting back (or holding the sides of the chair).

  • Inhale, bringing your chest up. Exhale and stretch your legs up to the ceiling one after the other
  • Keep the knees a little bent or completely straight
  • Hold for 10 deep breaths, put your legs down and repeat


This asana increases blood flow to the most vital sensory organs of the body. Better circulation results in better eyesight, hearing and a healthier thyroid.

Lie down on a mat, facing the chair.

  • Gently place both feet on the chair with your knees bent and arms away from the body
  • Keeping your head in the centre, breathe normally for 2 to 3 minutes

Getting your work done is important, but staying (mentally and physically) healthy is just as crucial while working from home. These simple positions can bring some exercise into your daily routine, without requiring you to go too far from your chair. You’ll even find yourself in a better mood with decreased levels of fatigue!



The .fit Way

A platform to power a healthy and holistic lifestyle across fitness, food, healthcare and mental well-being. #BeBetterEveryDay