Curio Conference: a day to inspire your team

Why coming to Curio could be just what you and your team need

Louise Whitfield.
Curio Conference
3 min readOct 15, 2019


Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash

With so many marketing conferences and events to choose from, it’s often hard to decide which are worth attending. With to-do lists mounting, time spent away from the office has to be valuable and deliver on practical learnings to bring back to the company.

We may be biased but we believe Curio can do just that and here are a few reasons why:

1. Feel inspired

The most obvious reason to attend is for an injection of inspiration. Working day-to-day you get so familiar with the projects you’re working on and the people you work with, that things can start to feel a bit stale. A day out of the office, with new people can shake things up. And inspiration is crucial to a team’s development; it can often lead to innovative possibilities in the workplace. You and your team feeling inspired could mean an increase in new ideas and creative problem-solving and a reduction in stress levels. What’s more, it’s contagious. If you and your team feel inspired, then this will radiate throughout your company — much like a motivational beacon! As part of Curio, we’ve personally hand-picked our speakers for their inspirational stories, methodologies and learnings.

2. Develop new skills

Inspiration and development go hand in hand. Conferences and events are great for increasing your and your team’s skillset, straight from industry experts and influencers. Hearing from your peers can inspire you to learn something new — whether that’s renewing your knowledge, discovering a new tangent to a specialism, or trying something new entirely. With such a broad range of speakers, from content and digital specialists to artists within their respective creative communities, you and your team will learn something that can be directly or indirectly applied to your day-to-day working lives. If you and your team are eager to learn, they could use their conference experience to knowledge share best practice and methods with other teams in your company — encouraging your team to practice active listening throughout the day.

3. Peer networking

It might be one of the more well-known reasons for going to a conference or event, but networking is just as vital as it ever has been. Getting to know and meet people within the same industry, or even a related one, is incredibly important. Not only does it create space for learning and sharing new ideas, but it also bolsters you and your team’s professional visibility and reputation within the industry. You never know, it could lead to you or one of your team speaking at a future conference or event. It often leads to open innovation too — where you get to realise respective talents and collaborate with newfound partners to form new products or services within your company. One conversation at a conference or event may just lead to a long-term relationship for your company.


If you like our approach and want to support us, you can buy a ticket for you, your team or donate to our scholarship fund. We offer 10% group discount when you buy three or more tickets.

We’re also looking for sponsors, so get in touch if you want to find out more about what we’ve got to offer you:

