Seven ways to sell Curio to your boss

How to convince your boss (or yourself) that a day at Curio is a great investment.

Lauren Pope
Curio Conference
3 min readNov 8, 2019


Curio Conference is coming to Brighton on 29th November 2019.

If you want to come to Curio but you need to convince your boss it’s worth the ticket price and a day away from the office, here are seven things that we think will sell it to them. And if you’re the boss but you’re wrestling with whether it’s worth your time, they’ll help you decide too.

1. Learn from the best

We’ve got some of the best people in the content business speaking at Curio. They’ll be giving practical, actionable talks so you’ll take away ideas and learnings that you can apply back in the office (and share with your colleagues or clients).

2. Learn from your peers

There will be plenty of chances to network throughout the day, so you can learn from your peers too. We’ll be setting up some specific discussion groups around key topics to help you find other people tackling the same challenges. You’ll find you can learn just as much from the chats in the breaks as you do from the talks themselves.

3. It’s a t-shaped investment

When you learn new skills and ideas, you become a more valuable employee. This isn’t an expense, it’s an investment. Curio’s extra valuable because it’s an interdisciplinary, t-shaped conference; content is our main areas of focus, but our speakers also reach into design, creative, brand, UX and the arts too. T-shaped people (with one area of deep expertise, and enough understanding to make connections in other areas) are incredibly valuable employees, because they bring extra skills and better collaboration.

4. Build your support network

One of the great things about conferences is meeting new people and building your support network. Through Curio you’ll make contacts who you’ll be able to turn to for ideas and advice next time you get stuck on a knotty problem. It’s like having access to a content strategy helpdesk.

5. Find your next teammate

If your team is expanding, Curio could be a great place to meet potential new employees, contractors or freelance partners. Even if you’re not hiring right now, it’ll still help later down the line to know a few more names and faces.

6. Get fired up

You can’t overvalue the impact of a day of inspiration. Your creativity is an engine — you need to fuel it with new things. With eight amazing talks, you’re bound to connect with at least one that sparks a ‘lightbulb’ moment and a great idea. And who knows where that might end up taking you, your company or your clients?

7. It’s only £50

A ticket to Curio is only £50 for a full day of talks and networking. That’s a serious bargain — many other similar events cost £100–500. That’s because we have the support of amazing sponsors like Gather Content, Hays, Contentious and Wilsome, and because we keep the budget lean — we’re not spending money on goody bags, printing loads of leaflets that get thrown away, or a flashy lighting set up. Most of the cost of your ticket goes towards paying our expert speakers.

So go — convince your boss! And we hope to see you at Curio.

Get your ticket to Curio here.



Lauren Pope
Curio Conference

Not publishing on Medium these days - find me at writing about content strategy and content design for charities and non-profits.