Sponsor Curio: an opportunity for heart and head

Show a highly engaged, targeted audience what matters to you

Lauren Pope
Curio Conference
2 min readSep 12, 2019


Sponsor Curio: an opportunity for heart and head. 29th November. Friends’ Meeting House, Brighton

Lou and I are looking for sponsors for Curio, our conference about curiosity, creativity and content. It’s a brilliant sponsorship opportunity if you hire, are hired by, or have a product/service for content, creative and digital experts.

Curio’s a perfect chance to get your brand in front of a highly specialised, highly engaged audience. That kind of targeting and exposure means something.

I know from personal experience that event sponsorship can be the start of a long-term relationship. I can still remember the sponsor of one of the first content strategy events I spoke at years ago. The event was the first time I heard about their product. I’m still using it today, I recommend it all the time, and I’ve implemented it with 10s of clients over the years. I spent five years working for another frequent sponsor of content events and meetups.

But it’s not just a ‘head’ opportunity, it’s a ‘heart’ opportunity too. It shows you care. It’s signal about your purpose, about what you think’s important to support and invest in.

Sponsors play a huge role in making events like Curio possible, in making them fair, accessible and open. So if you sponsor Curio, our attendees will know your brand is the reason tickets are an affordable £20–50 (or even free in some circumstances). And they’ll know that you’re supporting the work of our incredible speakers through our honorarium payment system. They’ll know exactly what you think is important.

Sponsor Curio and you’ll be doing something great for our community, and people won’t forget it. Get in touch if you want to find out more — email@curioconference.com



Lauren Pope
Curio Conference

Not publishing on Medium these days - find me at lapope.com writing about content strategy and content design for charities and non-profits.