On Being Fired from My Job

Ashley Lamb-Sinclair
Curio Learning
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2019


By Lory Peroff, Hope Street Alumna

“Nerds make the world go round.”

That’s what my mom always told me. And being nerdy is pretty much how a classroom teacher became an “Educational Columnist” for a local online publication. In my free time, I would write my views on education and send them in for consideration. After about a year of submitting letters, a few of which were published in the “Community Voice” section, I was shocked to receive an email from the editor asking me to write a regular education column. I was thrilled that this publication valued education enough to showcase an authentic “from the trenches perspective” of a currently employed teacher.

Being a currently employed teacher, I thought this would be easy. And it was. I was elated to actually get paid to reflect and write about education, teaching, and my students. I wrote about the things that were important to myself and many of my colleagues like social emotional learning, art, parent involvement, community partnerships, and the amazingness of teachers. I painted a detailed picture of what learning looked like in my classroom. I talked with colleagues and shared their voices and stories as well. I illuminated bright spots that I saw happening in our classrooms. I shared challenges teachers face too.

