Visionary for the African Diaspora


An interview with Abiola Oke | CEO, OkayAfrica

Portrait: Tom Kubik

With a finance background and Nigerian descent, Abiola, via OkayAfrica’s platform, is working to connect a global audience to the African continent through compelling content and high-profile cultural events. Abiola and his team are shedding a new light on the African diaspora and the rich culture coming from the continent of Africa, while spreading messages of inclusivity and empowerment.

What’s your Spirit Animal?

Frankly, I’ve never given this much thought so I decided to take an online quiz, apparently I’m a butterfly. The butterfly as it turns out symbolizes personal transformation and I am constantly experiencing frequent transformation towards growth. To diversify the data set if you will (nerd behavior), I took another test and got an eagle, it’s an animal with great vision of creativity, dignity, and grace. I was told that my spirit animal is the eagle because I have keen sight — an ability to fathom the invisible which gives me a strong will and spirit, and makes me an exceptional problem solver. Now the eagle sounds more like it, the value of expanding the data set, ha.

Where are you from?


What does doing good mean to you?

Doing good is creating opportunities and empowering people with the tools to take control of their future, control over their lives; agency.

If you could choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?

Reflective. I think a lot about who I am and the relationship between myself and the world around me. I spend a great deal of time trying to understand my humanity. I’m obsessed with people and Ideas.

Reflectiveness defines and refines purpose. I believe that one can not live a fulfilled life without purpose.

What sparked your interest and passion to get involved with OkayAfrica and lead as its CEO?

As an African, I’ve always been drawn to the diversity of our culture, how that culture is perceived and engaged with. While I spent over a decade in the banking industry, I’ve always been drawn to creative spaces. I’ve exploited roles as an actor, vocalist, painter and more. That dichotomy between my quantitative experience and qualitative affinity has given me a unique perspective and set of tools in the business of media.

Portrait: Tom Kubik

What do you hope your readers/viewers will gain from Okay Africa’s story?

I hope that it compels them to connect with African culture in a way that is authentic and to discover much of what the continent offers, while changing misconceptions held about the continent. I hope that by reading and engaging with OkayAfrica leads the audience to more immersive experiences in African art, culture, music, style, politics, lifestyle and more across cultural bounds.

Resources and technology aside, if you could make one remarkable change in the world by 2020, what would it be?

End Poverty

What is something that you learned along the way, whether it was one piece of advice or an experience that has helped guide you in your journey?

Take the time to enjoy the journey and the process.

Portrait: Tom Kubik

Follow Patrons of Progress on Instagram @curiositylab

Concept + Production by London Wright-Pegs, Michael Tennant + Meghan Holzhauer // Interview by London Wright-Pegs // Portraits by Tom Kubik



Michael A. Tennant - Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author
Curiosity Lab

Author of The Power of Empathy, and the creator of Actually Curious™ the empathy game, Values Exercise™, the Five Phases of Empathy™.