Determined Creator from Across the Pond


Amelia “Mia” Baker | Co-Founder and Producer at 506 Productions

Portrait: Tom Kubik

What is your personal mantra/motto right now?

Do it now! Procrastination is a terrible thing.

Where are you from?

Originally from London, I now live in Los Angeles.

Share a moment in your life that made you passionate about making the world a better place?

Working with an amazing charity called Chickenshed when I was 15. They use performance as an extraordinary catalyst for good with children and teens of all abilities, especially supporting young people with mental and physical disability. It was a huge inspiration.

Patrons of Progress is all about showcasing people who are using their influence for good. What does “doing good” mean to you?

I feel ridiculously lucky to have had every opportunity to pursue my passions and dreams. For every positive opportunity I am given, I should find ways of giving back equally to those who I can help. I don’t see that as “doing good” — it should just be an integral part of my life. Easy to say, but tough to deliver on.

If you could choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?

Determined. There are times when I have had to drag myself out of dark places to move forward. Without real determination, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

What sparked your interest and passion to start 506 Productions?

Collaboration with a hugely talented group of young creative people — 506 was set up to be an aggregating point for ideas and great storytelling.

What do you hope our readers will gain from your story?

I believe we are at an extraordinary point in the evolution of media and storytelling. For the first time ever, there are no barriers to creating and distributing your own stories. We’re only at the very beginning of our journey, but I hope we can inspire others to recognize that, with a little determination, you can engage with an exciting media industry.

Resources and technology aside, if you could make one remarkable change in the world by 2020, what would it be?

If every adult, globally, who is a position of influence, took one one young, person from an underprivileged background to mentor each year, the compound improvement in the lives of those young people would be massive. It’s where education meets real life and it’s vital for the next generation.

Share something that you’ve learned along the way that has helped guide you in your journey?

Grow an extra layer of skin. There’s no point in pretending that professional life is sugar coated. Be prepared for disappointment and rejection, because it will make the successes even sweeter. You need that skin for protection!

Follow Patrons of Progress on Instagram Curiosity Lab

Concept + Production by London Wright-Pegs, Michael Tennant + Meghan Holzhauer // Interview by London Wright-Pegs // Portraits by Tom Kubik



Michael A. Tennant - Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author
Curiosity Lab

Author of The Power of Empathy, and the creator of Actually Curious™ the empathy game, Values Exercise™, the Five Phases of Empathy™.