Do You Trust Yourself? Here’s How to Find Out

Explore the Five Phases of Empathy to Build Self-Trust and Achieve Abundance

Over the last few months, my intuition has been telling me that perhaps the biggest block to my abundance is a gap in self-trust. I realized this after auditing my life and seeing that many of my dreams and ambitions from the last four years have come true. Yet, I still find myself seeking. Why is that?

Why do we dream, manifest, and then focus on what we lack rather than what we have in abundance?

The Impact of Expectations

For me, slowing down and noticing the signals that indicate I’m acting outside of self-trust has been key. Four years ago, I wished for a new career as a thought leader in mental health and diversity, a loving partner, a family, and the freedom to travel and surround myself with values-aligned people. I have all of that now. However, I often worry more about maintaining this abundance than appreciating it.

Recognizing the Gap

I’m grateful to be aware of this gap because it means I can work on it. Using my Five Phases of Empathy model, I’m exploring moments in my past where I believed narratives of strain. By doing so, I’m slowly removing their subtle yet powerful effects on my choices and experiences.

Start Noticing Your “Shoulds”

Ask yourself how often you feel like you’re seeking rather than enjoying. If it’s “more often than you’d like,” then stay with me. Release any harsh self-judgment. This judgment only scares the truth into hiding.

The Five Phases of Empathy

  1. The Language of Feelings: Notice sensations and let them guide you to answers from your intuition or subconscious.
  2. Values Awareness: Translate your intuition through awareness of your values.
  3. Emotional Intelligence with Vision: Act on this emotional intelligence with long-term vision.
  4. Supportive Communities: Surround yourself with trusting, loving communities who respect your boundaries and uplift your purpose.
  5. Identify Remaining Gaps: Find and address any remaining gaps standing in the way of your goals or happiness.


Systems of power and exploitation thrive on our lack of self-trust. We seek security and affirmation externally through objects, accomplishments, and people. As you explore your next steps or aim to maximize your current life, give serious inquiry to this question. Build this inquiry into a habit you can share with future generations.

About Michael Tennant

Michael Tennant, CEO of Curiosity Lab is an entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and author of The Power of Empathy available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Target, and described by Inc. Magazine’s 100 NonObvious Business Books as “A Thirty-Day Path to Personal Growth and Social Change effectively balancing a self-help approach with a practical explanation of how we can use empathy as a tool.” He’s also the creator of Actually Curious™ the empathy conversation game, Values Exercise™, and the Five Phases of Empathy™. In 2022, Curiosity Lab received an investment from Pharrell and the Black Ambition Prize.



Michael A. Tennant - Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author
Curiosity Lab

Author of The Power of Empathy, and the creator of Actually Curious™ the empathy game, Values Exercise™, the Five Phases of Empathy™.