Making News That Reflects America, With NPR’s CMO Michael Smith


Candid conversations about the DE&I movement happening in the US job market. Driving Change From the Inside — pilot cycle, is a multi-media series produced in partnership with Digital Content Next, featuring senior leaders from NASA, NPR, Robin Hood Foundation, and Havas Group.

Curiosity Lab created this series to elevate the voices of the leaders fighting for underrepresented talent, and to give a window into what’s possible for the diverse talent of our future. Scroll to the end of this transcript to watch highlights from our conversation.

Interview by Michael A. Tennant — Creative Direction by Caroline Bel-Kher
Illustrations by Rebecca Ustrell — Video Direction by Jace

Michael Tennant: I like to open these interviews with a little icebreaker question. This one comes from the Actually Curious Culture edition, and I picked it special for you. What’s your most recommended book or podcast?

Michael Smith: I’d say it’s this one that I’ve been listening to a lot recently called…



Michael A. Tennant - Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author
Curiosity Lab

Author of The Power of Empathy, and the creator of Actually Curious™ the empathy game, Values Exercise™, the Five Phases of Empathy™.