Truth, Love and Yoga


Interview with Claire Fountain | Founder Trill Yoga | Mental Health Advocate

Portrait: Tom Kubik

In a sea of same-ness in the wellness world, Claire Fountain merges psychology with physiology and a unapologetic voice to bring yoga and strength to the masses. Unlike other wellness “influencers” who portray a life of perfection, Claire brings a lens of thoughtful, raw, realness.

We linked up with Claire to talk about the responsibilities that come with having a large audience and her work inspiring women to love themselves.

What trait do you admire in others?

The trait I admire in others is unapologetic confidence, ambition, and passion. It’s really easy to get caught up in how we think we should be, or how society tells us we should be. It’s really quite remarkable to create your own way, and stick to it.

Where are you from?

Jackson, MS… and been in NY ever since.

Share a moment in your life that made you passionate about making the world a better place?

It’s always been in my nature to be empathetic, and create a safe space for others to share. I might be accepting to a fault. But I think we make the world a better place when we can practice more compassion, kindness, and acceptance with one another (and ourselves).

Patrons of Progress is all about showcasing people who are using their influence for good. What does “doing good” mean to you?

I think when you have an audience, you have a social responsibility to use your platform to share something of substance and purpose. For me, social media can be vapid, and I had to step back to figure out what role I was playing. Am I conveying the messages I need and want to.

Doing good to me means speaking truth and asking myself “does this serve the work” (vs does this serve fame, ego, etc.) with everything I do. Doing good means empowering others and celebrating their work as well. Doing good means creating community and welcoming spaces where we can have conversations that matter.

Portrait: Tom Kubik

If you could choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?

Aware. A big part of who I am is someone who is reflective, analytical, and really interested in the questions around life and the human experience. To truly understand, you have to combine listening, learning, and intuition to get to new ways of thinking or living. It’s a combination of how I’d like the world to be and how it actually is. Being aware puts more on me because I cannot hide in the shadows of not knowing. Awareness is the key, ultimately, if you are a seeker of truth.

What sparked your interest and passion to get involved with and become a body positive influencer?

It was never the initial goal. I was showcasing my yoga and just happened to have the body I have. I do not think I am brave or special, but if I can share what it looks like to be real and confident…here I am.

I like taking up space. I like feeling strong. I like being healthy. I’m touched other women can see themselves in me, and it showed them you can do yoga, and anything else you want, while not apologizing for your body.

What do you hope our readers will gain from your story?

That you can re-write what was set for you, and you do not have to be a product of the lives you’ve lived… and that you can achieve in compassionate and self-sustaining ways.

Resources and technology aside, if you could make one remarkable change in the world by 2020, what would it be?

To show women that their worth is greater than social media posts or what they look like.

Share something that you’ve learned along the way, whether it’s one piece of advice or an experience that has helped guide you in your journey?

A big one I follow is not to compare my insides to other people’s outsides. More importantly, live out of love and not fear. It will truly guide you in the most empowered way.

Portrait: Tom Kubik

Follow Patrons of Progress on Instagram @curiositylab

Concept + Production by London Wright-Pegs, Michael Tennant + Meghan Holzhauer // Interview by London Wright-Pegs // Portraits by Tom Kubik



Michael A. Tennant - Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author
Curiosity Lab

Author of The Power of Empathy, and the creator of Actually Curious™ the empathy game, Values Exercise™, the Five Phases of Empathy™.