What was the first video posted on YouTube?

I guarantee that you use YouTube, the largest online video service in the world. Every day, several hours of videos are posted and many others watched. All the novelties are seen, but the first video too? You know which one is? Discover in #CuriosoInEnglish

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Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2013


It was a trip made ​​by young Yakov Lapitsky Zoo in the San Diego, California (USA). The film is only 18 seconds, and was titled Me at the Zoo. The video was posted on the website on April 23, 2005 by Jawed Karim, one of the creators of YouTube, and can be watched on the link in end post.

Were it not for the fact of having been the inaugural recording most important video sharing site on the planet, the little movie pass unnoticed - which the grace to see someone in front of the cage the elephants? Little did Lapitsky that YouTube would be elected the best invention of the year in 2006 by Time magazine.

The site was founded in February 2005 by Karim and two other colleagues (Steve Chen and Chad Hurley) who worked at PayPal, an online service for payments and donations. The founders never imagined a “gold mine” that were creating. Just over a year later, in October 2006, YouTube was bought by Google for the extraordinary sum of $ 1.65 billion. In April 2008, it was estimated that the site had 83.4 million videos stored. See the video at:

Me at the zoo

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Source: Mundo Estranho [http://mundoestranho.abril.com.br]; YouTube



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