Researchers Spotlight a Game-Changer: Fibrin Glue’s Transformative Impact on Eyelid Surgery

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3 min readAug 10, 2023


Researchers Spotlight a Game-Changer: Fibrin Glue’s Transformative Impact on Eyelid Surgery (Made by Kandinsky)

In an era where cosmetic and functional surgeries are not just trends but necessities, the medical world is in a constant race to find safer and more efficient techniques. Enter the world of eyelid surgeries, where a recent groundbreaking study has unveiled a method that could be a game-changer, especially for those on antithrombotic agents.

Blepharoptosis, commonly known as drooping eyelids, is a mere cosmetic concern. However, delve more profound, and you’ll find that for patients on antithrombotic medications, the stakes are high. These medications, often prescribed for cardiovascular ailments, can amplify the risk of bleeding during and post-surgery.

Kangmin Lee’s illuminating research, showcased in the renowned journal “Scientific Reports” in 2023, takes a deep dive into this challenge. The study, aptly titled “Intraoperative use of fibrin glue in blepharoplasty: a possible solution to reduce postoperative complication,” explores the magic of fibrin glue in minimizing postoperative hitches.

Now, fibrin glue isn’t new to the medical realm. Approved by the FDA back in 1998, it’s been a trusted ally in surgeries where traditional sutures pose challenges. Yet, its role in ophthalmologic surgeries remained underexplored until Lee decided to bridge this knowledge gap.

Lee’s meticulous research encompassed patients diagnosed with acquired blepharoptosis who sought surgical correction. A notable chunk of these patients were on antithrombotic agents. The findings? Absolutely riveting! For those with a history of antithrombotic agents, fibrin glue emerged as a hero, significantly diminishing postoperative bruising or ecchymosis. This is monumental, considering that such postoperative complications can muddle the evaluation of surgical results and pose aesthetic concerns.

But why is this revelation so groundbreaking? While complications like postoperative bleeding might seem trivial, they can cast a shadow on a patient’s quality of life. Given the widespread use of antithrombotic agents due to the surge in cardiovascular diseases, a vast pool of potential blepharoplasty patients stands to benefit from fibrin glue’s magic touch.

However, every study has its Achilles’ heel. Lee’s research, while promising, was retrospective, and the ecchymosis grading had a touch of subjectivity. But these initial findings have set the stage for more comprehensive, prospective studies that could further cement the role of fibrin glue in surgeries.

To wrap it up, the innovative application of fibrin glue in eyelid surgeries is not just a glimmer but a beacon of hope. It promises not only enhanced cosmetic results but also a swifter recovery and an uplifted quality of life, especially for those on antithrombotic medications. As we navigate the ever-evolving corridors of medical science, it’s such pioneering innovations that promise a brighter, safer future for all.


Lee, K., Chang, M. Intraoperative use of fibrin glue in blepharoplasty: a possible solution to reduce postoperative complication. Sci Rep 13, 12982 (2023).

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