Are you as smart as the next jargon?

Gayatri Dixit
Curious case of a girl in tech
1 min readSep 5, 2015

“If you want to encourage someone to do something, make it easy ”

— Richard Thaler ( Father of behavioural economics )

Evolution of language is deep rooted in the human need to communicate. Business jargons have been the prevalent language of the corporates for ages. And like all things boardroom, this language has more agendas than one.

Beyond communication, the coherence of one’s intelligence inside of a boardroom is strictly restricted to the usage of these stereotype statements. Often unnecessary and complicating the simple.

Can’t help but wonder if the usage of jargon is then the new parameter of being business smart.



Gayatri Dixit
Curious case of a girl in tech

A social interpreter. Formerly @Twitter | Living life at the intersection of all things brand, digital and content.