Note ID Systems for Your Zettelkasten Notebook

Curious Cove
Curious Cove
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2024
Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

The allure of Zettelkasten lies in its ability to transform fleeting ideas into a robust web of knowledge. But how do you ensure those connections stay strong within the physical confines of a notebook? This blog post delves into the world of Zettelkasten Note ID Systems, exploring innovative methods for linking your notes and fostering a dynamic knowledge network on paper.

Why Note IDs Matter in Zettelkasten:

Zettelkasten thrives on the concept of atomic notes — individual ideas captured in isolation. However, the true power lies in connecting these ideas to create a web of interrelated knowledge. This is where a well-defined Note ID system becomes crucial. Here’s how Note IDs empower your Zettelkasten:

  • Structured Knowledge Network: Note IDs act as bridges between your atomic notes, allowing you to build a comprehensive knowledge structure that reflects the interconnected nature of your thoughts.
  • Enhanced Serendipity: Clear and consistent Note IDs facilitate serendipitous discovery. As you explore your notes, you might stumble upon unexpected connections that spark new ideas.
  • Streamlined Review: During review sessions, Note IDs allow you to quickly locate related information and trace the evolution of your understanding on a specific topic.

Choosing the Right Note ID System for Your Physical Zettelkasten:

While digital Zettelkasten tools offer elegant solutions for linking notes, there’s a certain charm in the tactile experience of pen and paper. Here are three effective Note ID systems to consider for your physical notebook:

1. Page-Based System

This is a simple and beginner-friendly approach, ideal for those starting with Zettelkasten or with a smaller volume of notes.

  • Pros: Easy to implement, requires minimal setup.
  • Cons: Limited scalability for large note collections, potential for confusion if multiple notes appear on a single page.

How it works

  • Assign a unique identifier to each note based on its location within the notebook.
  • Example: If the first note is on page 5, its ID would be “5:1”. The second note on the same page would be “5:2”, and so on.

2. Hierarchical System

This format offers increased organization and scalability, especially for extensive note collections.

  • Pros: Provides a clear hierarchy for note location, facilitates linking across notebooks.
  • Cons: Requires additional setup (numbering notebooks).

How it works

  • Assign a unique number to each notebook you use.
  • Each note receives a three-part identifier: Notebook number, page number, and note number within the page.
  • Example: The first note on the first page of notebook 2 would be “2:1:1”. The third note on page 120 of notebook 5 would be “5:120:3”.

3. Continuous System

This format prioritizes chronological order, useful for tracking the development of ideas over time.

  • Pros: Offers a clear timeline for note creation, simplifies linking notes based on creation sequence.
  • Cons: May require more frequent notebook changes, less intuitive for locating specific notes by topic.

How it works

  • Assign a sequential number to each new note, regardless of the page it’s on.
  • Start a new numbering sequence with each notebook.
  • Example: The first note in a new notebook would be “1”. The next note, regardless of the page it’s on, would be “2”, and so on.

Linking Notes in Your Physical Zettelkasten

  • Dedicated Space: Leave a few lines below each note for listing relevant Note IDs of related entries.
  • Clear Notation: Indicate “See also:” followed by the specific Note ID(s).
  • Consider an Index (Optional): Maintain a separate section in your notebook to list Note IDs by topic or tag, similar to a digital tag system. This can be particularly helpful for larger collections.

Cornelkasten: Merging the Strengths of Zettelkasten and Cornell Method

For those who prefer a structured approach to note-taking, consider exploring Cornelkasten Notebook. This system combines the atomic note-taking principles of Zettelkasten with the active learning framework of the Cornell Method. Imagine capturing fleeting ideas during lectures or reading, then transforming them into powerful, interconnected notes while utilizing the Cornell sections for deeper engagement with the material.

Beyond the Basics: Optimizing Your Zettelkasten

  • Regular Indexing: Revisit your notes periodically and consider creating indexes to facilitate easier searching, especially for the Page-Based system.
  • Cross-Referencing Consistency: Maintain consistency in linking notes

