Scott Claridge
Curious Futures
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2017


As a branding agency we’re always interested in behavior patterns. Understanding us humans is, after all, the best way to make connections between humans. That’s why we were particularly struck by a short clip from Pukekos Educare that went viral a few weeks back, gaining over 20 million views and racking up 14,000 Facebook comments in just a few days. For those of you that haven’t seen it the scenario is very simple — a school playground, a big slide, rain and deliriously happy kids sliding, getting soaking wet and then doing all again.

So what’s the big deal? It’s not particularly long, nothing especially funny happens, there’s no music and not even so much as a glimmer of a cute cat. It’s pure untainted, unedited, unfiltered observation. But maybe that’s the deal, it offers the viewer a glimpse at that most fundamental of human cravings, the one thing we all seek, the shared utopia that is pure happiness.

And as brand builders perhaps this is a simple reminder that surprise causes delight and that makes us happy. Or maybe that just for a few moments we should stop talking about ceating business value in air conditioned conference rooms, step outside, climb a big slide and indulge in the simple pleasures that are on offer in abundance to those that know how to appreciate them. Perhaps it’s from here that we might just learn something new.



Scott Claridge
Curious Futures

Is a creative director at Identity Works Stockholm where he’s curious about the future.