A platform for the climate stories less heard

Launching Curious Green Humans 2.0

Avinash B
Curious Green Humans
3 min readJan 20, 2024


Curious Green Humans welcomes you!

It’s been just over a year since I set up Curious Green Humans as a ‘brand’ to simplify and demystify climate change for the ‘regular’ person. The aim was to spread the facts and criticisms about climate and our response to it in an interesting and semi-lighthearted way. I visualised it as a less ranty John Oliver segment where I could research some established practices and beliefs related to the climate crisis and present them back to an audience, learning and teaching at the same time.

As 2023 progressed I got drawn further into the writings of the community on Medium and in other places, learning more about opinions and perspectives on climate, as well as the people behind them. What I found was that most of the writing was done by older people residing in Western countries. This made sense given the language and general awareness of climate change in Western societies (putting to one side the acceptance or rejection of its causes and consequences).

It seemed strange though, that the places that were set to suffer the most from the upcoming crises were not as well represented or heard from as part of the larger discussion on Medium and other writing or blogging sites. So at the end of the year I resolved to do something about it.

Enter Curious Green Humans 2.0, a publication where I want to highlight the voices of those who’s stories sometimes stay in the boundaries of the blogosphere. This is an open call for writers that want to talk about or express themselves in relation to climate change and that can relate to the following criteria:

  • You live in the Global South or have significant experiences from your time there that have shaped your perspective
  • You are a young person concerned about the state of the world, your country or your neighbourhood
  • You have a perspective about young people in the Global South through your work or lived experiences

What kind of articles are we looking for?

As we are just starting out as a publication we are really looking to express ourselves in the theme of climate change and welcome various different kinds of stories in a variety of different forms. That being said, I want to keep the underlying idea of the publication being accessible to ‘regular people’ and so I am looking for stories of between 4 and 12 minutes length that deal with a story or concept that is universally relevant (think travel, food, utilities, pollution etc.).

We are also very open to non-article based expressions and you can email me at creators@curiousgreenhumans.com if you are more interested in art, music or some other form of expression. We promise to try and find the right platform for those as well.

How to become a writer at CGH

To be considered to be a writer please review the criteria above and if that sounds like you, please drop me a comment on this article and I’ll review it as soon as I can. Feel free to also link to a sample article you’ve written.

Other article criteria:

Once you’re onboard as a writer you can send your article to Curious Green Humans for consideration to be published using the ‘three dots’ menu on the top right of the article. Please ensure the article is not self-published or has not been self-published on Medium before.

Every article must have a Title, Subtitle, Cover Picture and at least 3 categories for ease of discovery.

A Final Note

Curious Green Humans is a new publication, launched in earnest in January 2024, so it’s likely that it will not have a lot of followers for a few weeks or months to come, but please don’t let that dissuade you from being a writer here. See it rather as a chance to shape this publication into something you are proud of writing for, and that can tell your stories and those of your peers and your community to interested, like-minded people across the world.

I look forward to hearing from you.




Avinash B
Curious Green Humans

I simplify complex stories, and serve them with a dash of humour. I write about Climate Change | Sustainability | Travel | Technology | Culture. Living in 🇪🇸